Covid-19: What proportion of the population must be vaccinated to get out of the pandemic?

Audio 01:57

A nurse prepares to perform a vaccination in an nursing home in Bobigny (Ile de France).

December 30, 2020. REUTERS - CHARLES PLATIAU

By: Caroline Paré Follow

3 min

While the Covid-19 pandemic has plunged the world into a health, economic and social crisis, hope to get out of this situation relies heavily on vaccination.


Great Britain, France, China… countries are adopting different vaccination strategies while facing the fears of the population.

Do we know what proportion of the population must be vaccinated to get out of the pandemic?

After the injection, when is the vaccine effective? 

  • Pr Philippe Sansonetti

    , Doctor, microbiologist.

    Professor emeritus at the

    Institut Pasteur. 

    Professor at the

    Collège de France. 

    Member of the 

    Academy of Sciences.

    Author of several books including


    published by Odile Jacob and 

    You will love your microbes like yourself

     published by the Collège de France

Find the full program by clicking here. 


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