In fact, what has now begun in America was called a "witch hunt" in America.

In America, they generally like to hunt witches: first, real (that is, fictional, but still women in the flesh) - in Salem.

Then they hunted communists, who, by the sarcastic smirk of the post-war period, almost all turned out to be Hollywood Jews, that is, it was a specific anti-Semitic hunt, embellished with scarlet markers.

Then they hunted for deviators from Vietnam, pacifists, hippies and especially dangerous musicians, such as Lennon.

With all the cases - arrests, FBI surveillance and appearances in decent newspapers.

And all because they are all drug addicts and corrupt the nation through marijuana.

And of course, all this time they hunted blacks, because racism is a basic need for the United States.

Then they began to hunt for cigarette smokers, but overnight marijuana from a terrible enemy turned into an American's best friend.

And now in Hollywood movies, even negative characters do not smoke cigarettes, but all positive and funny characters must smoke marijuana on the screen.

Everywhere, wherever you can shove the plot.

Although in order to introduce a black actor into a historically unacceptable plot, there are no longer any obstacles.

Therefore, we will also see the black Richard III with a joint in his teeth.

Because now there are no black racists, extremists and terrorists, and there is only a perky pioneer cell BLM - the best friend of an American.

Because now, on behalf of the blacks, some whites in America hunt other whites and carefully watch whether the white kneels in the name of a great goal or not.

So, regardless of polarity (if you studied physics in the 5th grade), bullying and witch-hunting is the ideological basis of American society.

And despite all this lies about the protection of minorities, today the Democrats, like the majority, persecute the Republican minority (they were in the elections in the minority? So there is a minority).

And they started with the lame duckling Donald, because he can no longer fight back at all.

And it immediately became clear how much the Democratic Party feared and hated Trump and expected something terrible from him for all four years, something that they would definitely do to their enemy if they had power.

So: they already have power.

Received in an opaque election, to the accompaniment of a one-party press that used to pretend to be a popular press, to demonstrative pogroms in American cities - to show Donnie what will happen to America if he accidentally wins the election.

And now the Democrats, having silently killed four protesters, who, unlike the BLM pioneer squad, did not burn a single house or a single car, like small frightened scum, are taking revenge on Trump.

Of course, Twitter was the most beautiful of all, which brazenly banned Trump forever, and then simply began to ban all statesmen close to him.

Not hooligans, not ISIS *, whom he basically does not ban, but people who, within the framework of a democratic two-party system, conducted their political activities within the framework of the US Constitution.

For those of you who cannot tell the First Amendment from the Second, I think I'll ban it myself.

And then other digital platforms joined Twitter, which for all four years worked only for one party and its interests and at the same time pretended to be just representatives of a neutral digital business.

If this example is not enough for you, then voila: they have just dealt with the independent website Parler, because because of the censorship of Facebook and Twitter, it was not even Trump fans who went there, but just people who are not satisfied with the new ideology of total destruction of society, country and families of the Democratic Party.

It turned out that both Google and Apple were destroying the opponents of the Democratic Party all this time, claiming that they were just neutral digital platforms.

And again they lied.

How they lied when they were caught in the fact that they expose both search results and news for the sake of only one party and only one ideology.

They lie all the time.

This is in the nature of the so-called democrats.

Further more.

Passengers were removed from the Delta Air Lines flight because they ... no, they did not lie in the aisle drunk, did not shout that they had been poisoned by a flight attendant and the Tomsk security officers, did not pull the stop-tap and didn’t fuck in the toilet, no - they talked about Trump without publicly denouncing him.

And this is the witch hunt.

Full length.

And it is only gaining momentum.

And we should look at the paid sympathizers and agents of the US Democratic Party, who also eat very satisfyingly on our territory and talk a lot.

Because we now know what to expect from them.

Spoiler alert: witch hunts, blood and chaos.

Therefore, the sooner they cut off their finances, the better.

* "Islamic State" (IS, ISIS) - the organization was recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.