Not finished off.

This is such a bad, from the point of view of a Christian, thought no-no, and it slips through my head every time you come across those who glorify Nazism. 

That was when I saw the torchlight procession of nationalists in Ukraine.

All these posters with the burning Kremlin, all these slogans and honoring of the man who, not only helped the Nazis, but also killed about a hundred thousand ordinary people with his troops.

I was taught that Stepan Bandera is a shameful page in history, but today he is suddenly a hero again.

And for some reason no one except Russia and Israel paid attention to this.

The same marches are taking place in Lithuania, and this is, for a minute, the European Union.

There, not underground, but quite officially, in the presence of statesmen, the leaders of the “forest brothers” are honored, on whose conscience aiding the Nazis and extermination of people - Soviet prisoners of war and local residents.

The same thought about "not finished off" flashed in September, when a company registered on Polish hosting released a new series of toys in memory of the Second World War.

The soldiers of the Red Army in their mind are drinking marauders, nothing more.

The unkind thought returned again in Prague, at the monument to our Ivan Konev, under whose command she was liberated in 1945.

Grateful residents then showered the Soviet soldiers with flowers, the marshal himself was handed the keys to the city 20 years later, then the Czechoslovakians themselves erected a monument to him, which was now demolished with a scandal.

I stood with the microphone "Russia" in September 2019, there were still flowers on the pedestal.

Some unintelligible shaved degenerate came up, gruffly spat at the monument, tried to pretend to urinate, showed his middle finger, while shouting something in my face in Czech, interspersed with English words in the letter F. Konev was removed, and instead In Prague, a memorial plaque was installed to the Vlasovites (in our opinion, they were just traitors who went over to the side of Hitler's Germany and fought against the USSR), and a pillar was placed next to it, at the top of which a Soviet T-34 tank was covered with a German helmet.

Then they scared everyone with Russian poison: as if the secret employees of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs were sent to the Czech Republic to poison those who sought to demolish the monument to Konev.

Nonsense, but they talked about it seriously, shouted all over Europe.

In Belgium, a year ago, 27 collaborators still received a German allowance - the so-called Third Reich pension - from € 425 to € 1275 per month.

Payments were introduced personally by Adolf Hitler in 1941 - ordered to pay for loyalty, loyalty and obedience to those Belgians who will not join the Resistance, but will work for it.

There were 38 thousand applicants, some eventually served in the Wehrmacht, some in the SS troops.

And here's the thought again when I watch the video from the Spanish barracks.

It was a holiday, the paratroopers were walking and drinking beer, then they zigzag and shouted a song together, which at first glance might seem like our Katyusha.

The motive is exactly the same, only this is an unofficial march of the "Blue Division" of fascist Spain during the Franco era.

They invented the song more than 70 years ago in our country near Leningrad, when they helped the Germans to hold the terrible, almost 900-day blockade of the city.

Moreover, at the front as part of the division, then there were solid volunteers - 47 thousand people - those who themselves wanted to fight against the USSR.

It was they who helped the Germans close the ring around Leningrad, including through their efforts from hunger and bombing, from 632 thousand to 1 million people died there.

To listen only to the words of this march ... It is sad for them that they meet spring on Ladoga, on the Volkhov river.

And on them "a drunken enemy comes, attacking with vodka, without courage."

It’s interesting, but the soldiers screaming her in our days in a drunken stupor know where Ladoga is in general and why they are singing about her.

Have you forgotten how they were driven from there by the Soviet troops who broke the blockade?

Are they not ashamed of zigging?

Apparently not, because if you read the Spanish press, you get the impression that they sympathize with the Wehrmacht soldiers there, make heroes out of Hitler's accomplices, consider plans to raze Leningrad to the ground as a completely logical military operation, praise the courage of their "Blue Division" and are outraged that in Soviet captivity, the Spanish fascists received little food.

Tell the Leningraders this.

And what headlines, take even the ABC newspaper: "Stalin's lie about the capture of Berlin in 70 years."

All this can be attributed to individual cases, but it does not work.

After all, even such a solid institution as the European Parliament adopted a whole resolution, where, in fact, it put an equal sign between the Nazis and the USSR.

Then they frightened the world with communists - now they frighten modern Russia, knowing practically nothing about it and not wanting to know.

Yes, in the same Spain, Catalans were dragged to court for organizing a referendum on secession in 2019.

What they were not accused of - terrorism, embezzlement of state funds and, of course, in working for Russia.

Moreover, it is difficult to imagine a greater absurdity: allegedly a certain group, created during the time of Gorbachev, proposed to send “10 thousand Putin soldiers” to Catalonia (as La Vanguardia wrote) to destabilize Spain and suitcases of money so that the Catalan authorities would pay off the state debt of the newly independent republic, and that in response, would recognize Crimea as Russian.

An ingenious plan, except that the surfacing of the PMC Wagner submarine somewhere in the center of Barcelona was not enough for a greater effect.

But something else confused.

The Spaniards named the operation to identify the alleged Russian trace "Volkhov".

That is, in honor of their own fascists who strangled Leningrad?

Strange parallels.

Then the Spaniards began to make excuses that the letter, they say, dropped out of the name, they wanted to name it in honor of another god, the press got it all wrong, but the sediment, as they say, still remained.

And the thought about "not finished off" came back again.

Our embassy in Madrid then joked, they say, in fact, the soldiers were airlifted by Chato and Mosca planes (Russian aid sent to the republican forces that opposed Franco during the Spanish Civil War in 1936-1939), then they were hidden in the mountains , where they all this time waited in ambush for a secret signal.

The Internet was followed by dozens of funny collages and sketches on the topic.

To gallery page

Probably, ridicule is the surest reaction to such obvious nonsense.

But for some reason I still feel offended that my country, our common history, the memory of my grandfathers are being used right and left to solve their internal political tasks, to settle personal scores with unwanted political movements and people.

It is unpleasant for me that Russia is mentioned only when it is necessary to punish or scare.

Hackers, soldiers, missiles, Novice - the list goes on.

The fewer real witnesses of that epoch remain, the easier it is to implant false ideas about good and evil in a "civilized society", everything turns upside down.

And everything goes along a chain: they distort history in some countries, and then they begin to implant the same distorted idea of ​​the Great Patriotic War already in our country.

And there are those who believe, because there, in the West, they cannot lie.

And we look at all this somehow calmly and condescendingly.

Yes, we are still white and fluffy.

But maybe it's time sometimes to show teeth even for the very attempt to play with our history, so that others will not disdain?

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.