Including smoking ... reasons that prevent wounds from healing quickly

Doctors at the German Association for Trauma Surgery have reported that failure to heal wounds quickly has many causes, some of which relate to the way the wound is bandaged, or to causes related to chronic diseases.

According to a medical report published by vistabuzz, doctors explained that the reasons related to the method of wound dressing are the wrong dressings or improper use of sutures, for example, very tight stitches reduce the supply of the wound with the oxygen needed for healing.

The report mentioned other reasons that lead to delayed wound healing, which include the following:

chronic diseases:

Delayed wound healing may be due to some chronic diseases such as diabetes (especially diabetic foot) and vascular diseases such as chronic venous insufficiency, peripheral arterial disease, tumors, infrared radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immune system disorders and severe infections such as tuberculosis, in addition to anemia and dehydration.

Aging and smoking:

Factors that cause delayed wound healing include aging, smoking, and taking certain medications such as psychotropic drugs and blood clotting drugs such as corticosteroids and cancer drugs.


Poor nutrition may also be a cause of delayed wound healing, as proteins, vitamins and minerals play an important role in the wound healing process.

Therefore, the doctor should be consulted immediately after noticing a delay in wound healing, especially if it is accompanied by certain symptoms such as pain and heavy bleeding, in order to determine the true underlying cause of the wound not healing, and to treat it immediately.