The show by comedian Anne Roumanoff will be broadcast this Wednesday evening at 9:15 pm on TMC, in partnership with Europe 1. Guest of Europe Evening, the artist said she regretted the situation in which the world of culture has found itself from the start of the health crisis, and expressed his incomprehension.


Her show

"Tout va bien"

is broadcast this Wednesday evening at 9.15pm on TMC, in partnership with Europe 1. The comedian Anne Roumanoff, also host on our radio, was the guest of Europe Soir to talk about this event and took the opportunity to come back to the difficulties experienced by the world of culture, which has stopped since the Covid-19 crisis. 

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"We are not given a date"

"This show was filmed at the Olympia a year ago, in December 2019, and this is my last show. It makes me happy that people see it because I've been off stage for a little while, like a lot of artists, and I hope that will entertain the public, "she continues.


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"From March to June I was very busy, I said to myself 'It's a bad time to go' and I was able to return to the stage with pleasure this summer. And there, it stopped again and to a moment we all find the time long. Especially we do not know. That's the problem, that we do not give us a date, "lamented the comedian.

"When Roselyne Bachelot says that we have no visibility, I understand that it is a complicated situation. But when we take the plane and we see all these people clustered together, we wonder what the difference is with a performance hall where there is one in two seats ".