Victoire, at home, working on her lessons.



  • This week, higher education establishments can once again welcome groups of up to 10 students by targeting first the first years, students with disabilities, digital insecurity or foreigners.

  • Victoire, in the 2nd year of DUT GEA (management of companies and administrations) in Aix-en-Provence, will not resume at best until February.

  • In December, she wrote a letter to Emmanuel Macron to expose the students' plight.

    She tells about her daily life at

    20 Minutes


Words to convey his anger.

In December, Victoire, 18, wrote to Emmanuel Macron to express the distress of thousands of students.

Enrolled in the 2nd year of DUT GEA (business and administration management) in Aix-en-Provence, she suffered, like her contemporaries, the horrors of the health crisis.

“We are gagging our generation.

We are the future leaders, the future of our country, the citizens of your world of tomorrow.

How can we grow up in a dying world?

She wrote.

A letter remained unanswered from the president.

Same silence on the side of the Ministry of Higher Education.

"Our minister, Frédérique Vidal, is absent," she ignites.

His anger has grown in recent months.

“My first year at university had already been stopped in March and there, since October, I have been taking my courses remotely.

It is becoming unbearable, ”she confides.

“My bedroom has become my study room, my gym, my music room,” she describes.

A unity of place which might seem practical, but which above all gives it the impression of suffocating.

It's not easy to get up in the morning to study.

Especially when the lessons take place on Zoom or Skype.

Or, worse, if they boil down to documents sent that must be read.

“The teachers try to be present, but nothing helps.

Online, we do not dare ask the questions that we would allow ourselves in person.

It is also not possible to go see the teacher at the end of the course to make him clarify a notion.

And during distance lessons, it's very hard to concentrate.

We all tend to fiddle with our phones when a teacher is talking, ”she admits.

"The more time passes, the more my group of friends becomes restricted"

With distance learning, she also feels like she is doing less exercises to apply the course.

"Suddenly, at the time of revisions, it is even more difficult", she continues.

And in his DUT, some comrades have already dropped out: "Last year, we were 147 students, this year 119".

And even if in some universities, a few students are resuming face-to-face lessons sporadically, her turn has not yet come: "In the best case, I will resume on February 8," she sighs.

As for his social life, it comes down to grief: “All our meeting places are closed.

I check in with my friends once in a while.

But the more time passes, the more my group becomes restricted.

Especially since I didn't have enough time to make new friends at college last year, ”she says.

The confinement also got the better of his relationship with his friend: “Because it's difficult to continue when we can't see each other.

Maybe we'll meet up later, who knows?


However, Victoire knows that she is lucky compared to many students: “I live with my parents and I can see my sister every day.

Many of my friends do not have such support ”.

Her health has also taken a hit since she came home: “I lost weight because I skipped meals.

I'm getting less ready since I can't see anyone.

Clearly, I let myself go ”.

And his finances are not in good shape: “I gave tutoring lessons and I stopped everything because the parents of my students did not want me to provide them at a distance.

I no longer have a small job when I was planning to save money to finance my trip to Ireland ”.

A departure on Erasmus that she planned for September 2021 and which is put on hold.

Next March, she must also start an internship.

But again, everything is on stand-by: “I have not received positive feedback from my CVs.

Companies tell me that they have no visibility ”.

And even if she has the future ahead of her, Victoire has the impression that she is wasting precious time that she will never find: "Everyone used to say to me:" the student years will be the best of your life ".

Since the first confinement, I have the impression of having lost very important moments.

Young people want to eat life to the fullest and they are sacrificed.

How can we still believe in political speech?

In the first round of the 2017 presidential election, only a third of 18-24 year olds went to the polls.

No need to wonder why ”.


Poverty: Why is the situation of 18-24 year olds worrying?


Coronavirus: Is it really so "hard to be 20 years old in 2020", as Emmanuel Macron said?

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