Stockings colorist, pet enchanter, sleeper...

  How many of these ten unpopular professions have you heard

  News from our newspaper, snail fan smelling artist, shroud model, stockings colorist, live broadcast room chaining artist... Do you know what novel professions will emerge in 2020?

  The rapid development of the digital economy has spawned a series of phenomenal "unpopular occupations".

Recently, Taobao released "Observation of Top Ten Unpopular Careers in 2020".

Many fields seem to be niche, but they have achieved the big dreams of many people.

  Two days ago, the story of Taobao post-95 shroud model and anchor Ren Sainan moved many netizens.

Because of taboo, many of her friends have left her in the past three years. Her mother persuaded her to resign, but she refused.

  She said that she once encountered a girl smiling in the hospital corridor wearing the shroud she recommended. The family's thank you made her feel warm. "It is a kind of consolation to help the deceased to bid farewell to the deceased at the end of their lives. Please don't treat me as a plague."

  The popularity of snail noodles gave birth to "sour bamboo shoots smelling stinks."

The bagged snail noodles invented by Taobao merchants fulfilled people's pursuit of human fireworks when they were at home.

  The smell of sour bamboo shoots is the soul of snail noodles. The daily job of a professional smelling teacher is to observe the bamboo shoots, and you can know whether the pickling is mature or not.

Before Tmall Double 11, smelly teacher Li Yongguo was hired by Taobao merchants and offered an annual salary of 500,000 yuan.

  As for the stockings colorist, one glance at the thighs and a round of the Taobao buyer show can bring up the color closest to the skin tone. They can dye tens of millions of pairs of stockings each year to meet the needs of different girls for the effect of light legs.

  In the live broadcast room, the chain teacher must cooperate with the anchor. In addition to linking at the right time, he must always be prepared to use a calculator to help the baby in the live broadcast room calculate the price, take screenshots, and show how to buy.

  In addition, the occupations on the list include sleep coaxer, pet enchanter, milk tea drinker, self-discipline supervisor, game trainer, and grass planter.

The sleeping coaxers will recite the petition form in English, the milk tea drinker will tell you which one is the best, and the pet enchanter will accompany the pet through the last journey...

  Behind these unpopular occupations is the young people's attitude towards life in pursuit of freedom and self-care.

The average age of Taobao merchants is only 25 years old. They create new and interesting business ideas every day and make big business on Taobao.

And Taobao is not only a shopping APP, but also a life witness.

Our reporter Zhu Yao