A work by The Blind (illustration) -


“Provide access to culture for the visually impaired.

"This is the leitmotif of The Blind, street artist at the origin of graffiti in Braille since 2004. The graffiti artist also wants to" open the eyes of the general public "on the difficulties encountered by blind people:" My work is makes sure that the sighted and the blind […] communicate with each other.


“I did different brailles, in different cities and countries.

For example, in the catacombs, I wrote "Brailler du noir" ", testifies The Bind, a graduate of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Nantes.

The graffiti artist also uses silkscreen printing to highlight inclusiveness.

Brut, partner of

20 Minutes

, went to meet him.

Discover his testimony in video:


From Swiss mountain pastures to tables around the world, the tasty history of raclette


Model in Iran, homeless in France, Negzzia tells her story

  • Blinded

  • Street art

  • Culture