5 minutes

Sorry ... the strategy failed


Alaa Jarad


04 Jan 2021

Strategic planning, strategic performance, strategic experts, strategic goals, and strategic transformation are terms we hear every day, whether in the workplace or in the news, and strategy applies to everything, and everyone needs it at the individual, institutional, governmental and global level, especially in dealing with Issues affecting the inhabitants of this planet, and even the inhabitants of other planets when we find them or they find us if they exist, the strategy is like a compass that points us in the direction of the north, and thus we know where to go and when we will arrive, but what if the compass is damaged and gives us wrong directions, what if it reached us A message at the end of the journey says: Sorry you've taken the wrong path, your strategy failed!

The word strategy belongs to the Greeks and the arts of military planning, as it is a solid plan to win a battle, and it has now become one of the most common terms in the science of management, and is the main component in hundreds of thousands of studies, practical degrees and literature, and strategy can be a short, medium or long-term plan, for transition From point A to point B, or to achieve the goals of an institution, a person, or a country.

The overriding characteristic in most businesses is that strategies do not succeed as much as required, and if they succeed completely, then these are the exceptions and not the rule, from here comes a very important part in the formation and formulation of strategies, which is the evaluation of the strategy to determine its suitability to the work environment, whether in terms of the institutional culture, or from On the one hand, meeting the needs and expectations of all stakeholders and stakeholders, in addition to another aspect is the extent of the realism of the strategy and the possibility of achieving it on the ground, within the limits of the financial determinants that have been set, and finally the extent of the agility and ability of that strategy to transform and absorb sudden changes, which may be stormy or destructive.

It can be said that there are three types of strategy evaluation, which are pre-evaluation, that is, before starting the implementation of the strategy, and of course it is logical for the evaluation process to be carried out by a neutral party who did not participate in the development of the strategy, and the interim evaluation, which is an ongoing evaluation periodically to determine the appropriateness of the strategy Implementation is consistent with the plan, and thus the intervention to correct any discrepancy, and the subsequent evaluation, which is done after the completion of the implementation of the strategy to determine the extent of achieving the results and the set objectives.

What happens is that most institutions focus on the second and third types, and neglect the first type, which is the pre-evaluation, which is - in my opinion - much more important than the interim and subsequent evaluations, as pre-evaluation may provide many resources when discovering a strategic deficiency before starting implementation. They are damaged and can be repaired before they are used, instead of trying to fix the flaw during implementation, or deliberately ignoring it so that those who put the strategy in trouble do not get into trouble.

In another article, I will talk about pre-evaluation methods in more detail.

• It can be said that there are three types of strategy evaluation, which are pre-evaluation, interim evaluation, and post-evaluation.



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