In the cold winter, Qinghai is dry and cold. For the firefighters who are on duty, the night sentry is the most test of will.

However, it seemed like a "only shadow", but there was a little cutie standing guard with the soldiers outside the door, warming the "people's hearts".

  The cute little is named Ah Huang. According to the firefighters at the Dongxin Road Fire and Rescue Station in Xining City, Qinghai Province, in November 2016, the sentry found Ah Huang who was injured and skinny on his hind leg, and fed him something to eat. .

As a result, Ah Huang stayed on the lawn at the door every day and stopped leaving.

Later, Ah Huang stayed at the Dongxin Road Fire and Rescue Station in Xining City and settled down, often accompanied by the sentry.

  According to reports, in July 2020, after the nearby city management knew that the fire rescue team had taken in Ah Huang, he sent the stray dog ​​Xiao Huang to accompany him.

(Edited by Zhang Ziyun and Sun Rui by Le Xiaomin)

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]