October 24 - November 22

The year begins with a push for independence in your relationships and home life.

This can lead to sudden changes in your living situation.

For instance if you are thinking about sharing a home with a partner, a separate room may be needed instead of sharing a bed nightly.

These changes will come from a sense of good will and an urge for growth.

Give impulses to end friendships or relationships with careful consideration — change doesn't have to mean it's the end.


A major theme of 2021 is learning how to deal with both commitment and freedom in relationships.

You must overcome past disappointments and make space for new, exciting ways of being committed to other people or friends.

All partnerships are fair game— this doesn't only apply to your romantic relationships!

This theme continues in November, near your birthday, as a full moon eclipse falls in your house of partnerships, brings a breakup or more commitment into the picture.

More of this will come in 2022, as the eclipses in both November and 2022 activate your chart's axis of relationships.

From May to July and from December, you will experience a period of growth and faith in your creative outlets and dating life.

You will be more excited about flirting and socializing, indulging in what makes you happy.

Meeting new people and learning more about those close to you is on the docket.

Your financial forecast improves


However, from July you revisit all that you've gained in your domestic life for the majority of 2020. Since 2020, there have been monumental moments in your financial life as eclipses have activated your chart's axis of money.

There are two eclipses in this area in both May and December.

The full moon eclipse in May has you fully understanding your budget and what to do with it, where the final new moon eclipse in December will provide space to change your financial setup.

The eclipse in December is an appropriate time to buy stocks, or write out financial plans for the coming years as you are more focused on money matters.

The year closes with love planet Venus retrograde.

This requires you to review the terms of your relationships' unspoken contracts - what are you committed to, and what needs to be rewritten?

Find all of Randon Rosenbohm's horoscopes for 2021 here!