
And that's you

says the daughter of the D. family when she gives me the cranberry jam.

I thank you politely and put it in the pannier in which the B. family's Christmas sausage is already lying, the K.'s Christmas cheese - Bosnian-Muslim, by the way, the other Christmas cheese from the P. family, and a pound of Christmas pasta from the family from the M. from Turin, and if I eat all of that, this was the last contribution from the pillars of society, because I'm bursting.

Fortunately, however, I am a vegetarian and anti-alcoholic, so I pass some things on to my own family, and what remains, with a little luck, I could just survive before fattening my heart.

But what can I say, bursting is still better than Corona, and I'm doing a lot about it - after all, I've been taking care of my family so that they lack nothing, by bike since February.

Source: Don Alphonso

The company benefits from the fact that there are delightful and varied paths between the clan's old city palace and the villas in the suburbs, which are visited with delicacies, which for others are not the banal and socially appropriate place of residence, but the local recreation area.

I also like to go to the weekly market, chat with people about what is happening in families and think to myself: It is all part of the plan of salvation on earth.

If I were to make a film about the good life at the end of the FRG before its decline, it would start exactly like this: After chatting, a son rides a fully loaded bike through nature between the picturesque old town and the villa district, the light wind gently brushes over it Lush meadows, next door older daughters are picking bouquets of flowers, for minutes it goes like the prelude to a classic Christmas film by Sergio Leone, and everyone thinks something has to happen now.

Well, on the one hand nothing at all happened, there are no abysses, but on the other hand a lot has happened of course, and without the epidemic my family would have gone shopping and among people themselves.

But as it is, what happened passed my family by.

Source: Don Alphonso

And of the families at the weekly market too.

In my private life, I had the impression that it was a year of enormous consideration, despite very divergent views on the disease.

It's no wonder, the political-media caste came to announce the latest guidelines and the contradictions to the old claims - masks are risky, the virus is no worse than flu, there are no restrictions, a breakwater lockdown is a great thing - badly skidding.

With the early statements of the semi-official government broadcasters, one could tinker with the most beautiful corona denial today and also appeal to journalists who were by no means chased away with insult and shame and who are now demanding even more compulsory fees.

So I currently know people whose views were considered right-wing conspiracy theories in February, and others whose views are now considered a case for the protection of the constitution.

I know vaccination advocates and opponents, I listen to all of this and say to myself: why argue?

What do I get from private breaks because of such topics?

They don't bring anything.

You have to listen to it and swallow it.

It's always like that.

Source: Don Alphonso


And so it was in the past few years, when the separation between the good and the bad was even easier for the educational radio, which is privileged by the highest authorities, and the Berlin caste.

From 2015 onwards, the people could easily be divided into people-friendly immigration sheep and hateful asylum crisis rams.

From 2018, with the beginning of the climate hysteria, a distinction was made between followers of an unstable Swede and her PR assistants on the one hand, and proponents of the obvious climate improvement on the other.

That always went nicely along the newly established left-right scheme, disregarding workers and net taxpayers who got one airtime and also billions in subsidies to campaign against the others.

With the denial of the epidemic, it is no longer quite as easy as it is with the alleged advantages of migration and the deterioration of the climate: This runs equally through all political camps and, if you were with the original Greens in Wackersdorf, it is no wonder that Of all people, supporters of the esoteric party suddenly take to the streets with other strange figures of a global coalition.

As a result, there was also a crash in the left-wing green camp: Younger Drosten Ultras who were loyal to Merkel are irreconcilable with older, so-called Eso-oaths, some of whom have only just built the green movement.

Source: Don Alphonso

Instead of Uncle Willi, who had to serve as a Nazi in relevant press products in 2015 and as a climate skeptic in 2019, the young journalist of 2020 is now more likely to meet with bright green Aunt Gerda, who is in a straight line from the 68 barricades over her health food store -After all, she also demonstrated before the Green Week in Berlin, and after her experience with Contergan, she does not allow anyone to talk her out of that.

You guessed it, I know these people and because I am highly dependent on them for some staple foods and the restoration of my paintings, I better nod silently.

It doesn't matter anyway, it comes as it happens, and maybe it will work itself out again when you can see that the respective measures are taking effect.

None is infallible.

People are always mistaken.

You have to give them the opportunity to rethink their points of view, just as you should constantly adapt your own points of view to new findings.

By the way, this was even a core idea of ​​science in the past, before it was misused as the preferred titular club of the sects of genderism and greticism in the mud battles of this decade.

Source: Don Alphonso

In the past, at least at Christmas, there was still the possibility of completely avoiding deviants from the pure doctrine by simply avoiding the family as such and not visiting.

After all, there were enough alternatives, the bars opened, and you could exchange ideas about how much better it is if you don't put all the stress into yourself and prefer to celebrate with like-minded people.

Better your own friends in Schwabing or even just in Neukölln than the dubious family in Landshut, Tübingen or on the Müritz, which you wrote down in a comment beforehand - naturally with the name Uncle Willi, so that nobody has to admit that they actually own parents are meant.


This option of celebrating with friends will no longer be available in 2020 because of the contact restrictions, which is why even the most loyal media such as the water pistol of the parliamentary chancellor decrees run articles in which the privileged family is castigated as outdated and as an outdated idea.

I understand that just like anyone who thinks Gates wanted to chip him: These people just live in their own world and want the maximum of freedom and opportunities for it.

Even if in my private life I don't believe that the risk of infection among ten journalists in Berlin is lower than at any meeting of the vaccinee: rules apply best only to others, and the boys in particular consider themselves inviolable.

We older leftists have read - from the point of view of today's ideology - the racist and sexist Hemingway and “Farewell to Arms”.

It can go very quickly with the last things.

That is why this year, with my outdated concept of family, I cycled so much with purchases from the family stalls at the weekly market to my family.

Source: Don Alphonso

Or as Hemingway put it: “It is a great mistake to believe in the wisdom of old men.

You don't get wise.

You're just being careful. ”The English“ careful ”expresses what I mean a little better, because beyond my innermost circle I saw a lot of misery in 2020.

Including very many who were proud to get through on their own.

You don't have to gloss over anything, there are indeed dysfunctional families, broken relationships and disgusting guys, and as a result also people who ultimately go their own way as a single parent.

If they were unlucky enough to work in industries hit hard by the crisis, many were in dire straits this year.

The first wave ate up their reserves, they barely got through in the summer, and now all the little, inevitable, and usually not so bad things are happening.

The car needs new winter tires.

The daughter drops the tray and breaks.

The washing machine breaks.

So much money was distributed by this state, but down below, with the normal people, so little came of it that something as banal as installing a new chain on the bike decides whether it can go on.

In practically all cases - for whatever reasons - there is no solid family association in the background, as is the case with my simple people at the weekly market, who could be asked for help.

Source: Don Alphonso

In principle, this is also well known in my professional caste.

As part of the BLM protests, the reader was informed about the poorer chances of young people from African American families - one of the basic problems there is something that we euphemistically call a blended family.

Men take no responsibility for their children, mothers cannot save even the smallest fortune, the start in life does not succeed and, in turn, children grow up who get on the wrong track.

In principle everyone knows that stable relationships between parents are no guarantee of a happy ending - you are welcome to take me and my questionable work as an example.

But all studies show that stuffy secondary virtues such as thrift, education, loyalty and reliable life development contribute significantly to the fact that the children actually feel better later on.

Others also get through and manage to assert themselves, only without the cushion that is naturally present in my class thanks to the clan structures.

That was the situation at the beginning of the year.

At the end of this year, the stocks tumble to new heights due to the lack of alternatives, house prices are rising, you could get dirt cheap loans, here at Tegernsee the old rich can protect themselves well from the epidemic.

For the class that always knew that it would be enough for them because even in the very bad times with grandpa there was still meat and butter on the table, it was actually enough in 2020.

Those who thought they would get through did not get through.

Those who believed that the FRG would guarantee basic security like a family and instead of a family.

Source: Don Alphonso


Such people are still writing posts in a kind of Stockholm Syndrome that are hostile to the family in media such as "Spiegel" and "SZ", which in 2020 without any mercy cut jobs and decimated jobs for freelancers.

I look at it with disbelief, because the authors are often anything but privileged.

With a view to the dangers of 2020, I would be terrified if I only had to rely on “friends” and “partners” who demand absolute adherence to the line.

Anything that is not on the left has long since broken the rod.

Today, however, you are already before the shambles if you question a woken pianist, do not consider expropriations as ultimate wisdom, or - your own experience - only write about people who articulate reservations about vaccinations without immediately condemning them.

People who bring bad news are particularly fond of beheading.

If I have learned anything in the past few years, it is not to have the slightest confidence in this conglomerate of opinion-forming.

These are really people who have been dealing with green social issues for years and denounce a railway employee at the company at the first careless remark.

And it's people who talk bad about family.

Frank Schirrmacher once told me about a journalist whose work he quietly examined from a distance: "If she writes about her own family like that, how will she talk about us?"

Source: Don Alphonso

It is no coincidence that the same media that reject the family as an outdated image also write posts in which former friends deal with their breaks.

And in my humble opinion, political issues are not even about tangible interests.

It is foreseeable that 2021 will be ugly, and 2022 not beautiful either.

Many will be confronted with difficult situations, much more difficult and existential than the point of view of a blown acquaintance who has a different point of view.

The question will be who gets a job and who will be sorted out and what the future of those who are sorted out will be if Germany actually falls into a long recession.

How long will the friends now conjured up, who are so much better and more similar than distant and annoying families, remain friends under these conditions?

Can you rely on them?

Give you the 500 euros for the new washing machine, do you give priority to an order?

I have grown old and cautious, and in my humble opinion I would look at how these people deal with competitors in the battle for opinions.

That could give a good impression of what only threatens when you have them as an opponent in the struggle for elementary things or the ultimate item in dispute among the left, dear money.

Source: Don Alphonso

And from my rubber ring in front of the panorama of the Tegernsee, I can tell you right away that you shouldn't meet me as an opponent in the dispute over this place in the sun.

I think if in doubt I probably wouldn't be better either.

I'm just different from my origin and, thanks to my clan, I'm so privileged that I don't have to worry about small items like orders and rent.

Of course, when it comes to my own advantages, I also become unruly, because we are not on the Brennsuppn and are genetically determined rental sharks.

We, the clan, the family, that stick together because everyone knows what we owe to the old people who laid the foundations.

Not everyone was nice and fair, but in the end it is just the way it is and we have our privileges.

There are a few, and it is only a small bow to their achievement, that my family lack nothing because of my supply trips.

We'll get through, but we don't claim one privilege, perhaps the greatest one can afford: the privilege of despising family.

Source: Don Alphonso

Because that can get really expensive, more expensive than all the silver in my closets, and with a bit of bad luck, 2020 was not even the overture of the coming.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas in the company of reliable people, and most of them are probably like all of us, not entirely good and not entirely bad.

It might not be a bad idea, given the situation, to call those who are feeling a little anxious.

Many will fall, the state will carelessly step over them, but maybe there are those who are not so great, but there is one or the other who can help should it get tight.

Of course everyone would like to survive for themselves, especially the women who have been trained to do this in these times, and of course real Indians have never known pain.

None of this is a stroke of fate, was one of my grandmother's wisdoms, and of course, as always, she was right.

But these are not the times for arrogance and pride, but rather for decorum and taking what you can get from well-meaning people.