
Now, after the USA, the European Medicines Agency and the Funke media group, a huge group of innocent coniferous trees has been caught in Germany: As has now become known, around 30 million trees have fallen victim to a large-scale hacker attack in recent weeks.

"Nordmann fir and blue spruce are particularly affected," explains Anselm Kiefer, head of the special "Conifers" commission set up by the police.

The investigator is shocked by the audacity and meanness of the act.

“The victims were completely defenseless when they were hacked.

You couldn't even run away! "

Christmas is over for fir trees

There is still a lot of guesswork about the background to the hacker attack on the trees and many of their branches, which was carried out in a coordinated manner across Germany.

“It turns out to be as difficult as looking for the famous hay in a needle heap,” explains Kiefer when examining the mysterious sanding marks that lead from a tree nursery that was previously considered unsuspicious to a nearby parking lot.


"The only thing that is certain is that these fir trees will not celebrate Christmas with their family this year," the investigator said, looking at the stumps in the ground, whose root directories seem to be intact despite the hacker attack.

Investigators of the hacking attack have serious suspicions

While cyber experts suspect that the attackers wanted to gain access to the victims' Tann numbers, Kiefer has a different theory.

"I don't think anyone here wanted to relieve the permanent staff of their Harz IV," says the tall guy.

Shortly before Christmas nobody likes to hear that, the Soko boss admits frankly, and what he is now saying is really not going to make you laugh: “But we have to assume that we are committed to a ritual crime do have.

It is possible that the victims are kept imprisoned in bizarre disguises in living rooms to satisfy a crazy fetish. "

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