This week, actor Jim Carrey's debut novel was published in Swedish, and it does not resemble anything else.

- For me it's fiction, but for Jim it's his memoirs!

Seriously, then!

This is Jim Carrey.

He is multifaceted.

Yes, you laugh a little nervously when Dana Vachon tells this.

For the book Memories and Misunderstandings, which Vachon has co-authored with Jim Carrey for eight years, is "Hollywood-Extra Everything", with stars, sex and a total apocalypse.

"Let's go"

It was in Carrey's painting studio that they met.

Dana Vachon had then written a novel, about her life in New York's financial world, before the bubble burst in 2008. Jim Carrey asked him if he wanted to write something about Carrey's paintings.

- We talked for two years, and then came a text message: now we have been holding for a while;

what have you?

Then I sent him what is roughly the first chapter of the finished book, and I thought: that was it.

But instead came the answer: well, now we drive!

Nobody wants to be Jim Carrey

The book is mainly about what Hollywood does with one, no one who reads the book wants to be Jim Carrey.

- When it comes to such a sick society as the United States is today, illness becomes almost a kind of defense mechanism.

It easily becomes an almost grotesque comedy, and then we ended up in this complex apocalypse.

Yes, there came a spoiler, sorry, but it all ends in a real Armageddon;

California is on fire and evil aliens are attacking.

Mankind's last hope is for Jim Carrey, Nicholas Cage, Tom Hanks, Kim Kardashian, Sean Penn and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Spoiler again: it's not going well.

None of the stars were asked before they became part of the story, but no one has gone to court, yet.

- Since we ended up in the middle of a real apocalypse when the book was finished, there was probably no one who wanted to quarrel about our text.

They probably rather thought it was prophetic, says Dana Vachon.