The singer was unable to tour to accompany his new album "Self-Portrait", released at the end of the summer.

But he takes advantage of this downturn to devote himself to a book project that he has had in mind for a long time, as he confides to Emilie Mazoyer's microphone in the program "Musique!".

We would like his optimism to be communicative.

While 42% of French people believe that 2020 has been the worst year of their life, Hugues Aufray, yet deprived of tour, focuses on the positive points of this difficult period.

Admittedly, he cannot present the songs from his new album


on stage 

, but the singer now has time to prepare another project, which he speaks for the first time, at the microphone of Emilie Mazoyer. 

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"The concerts will return," says the singer.

"I am very optimistic: I believe that we will come out of this crisis with tremendous energy and everything will start again."

While waiting for the better days that they prophesy, the singer is busy.

"I take advantage of this confinement to do things that I would not have done without it," he explains.

"Not for two years"

"That is to say that I put my papers in order, in my life, in the organization of my archives…", he adds, without revealing what it is exactly.

But we ask the singer if he is preparing a book on his life, Hugues Aufray answers bluntly that this is "obviously" the case.

But readers who are waiting for the singer's autobiography will have to be patient.

"It won't be out for two years," he warns.

"I've been on it for a few years now, but right now it's a bunch of leaves. I have a very tall bundle, I have to cut it down."

This sorting through the singer's papers will still take him a little while, but several publishers are already interested in this book project.

"They are on the starting line, they are waiting for the starter", explains with mischief Hugues Aufray, that we should therefore find on stage, before finding him in bookstores.