Behind the high incidence of teenage psychological problems

  While learning knowledge, young people must also learn interpersonal and social relations.

A good partnership is a very important factor for young people to reduce depression and prevent Internet addiction.

  Nowadays, some schools are not allowed to take seats for ten minutes between classes, students are not allowed to talk even during meals, and chat is not allowed in the dormitories. How can this education method cultivate a teenager with good interpersonal relationships and high emotional intelligence?

  From school teachers to parents, there should be a mental health awareness.

Find the signs of abnormal behavior in time, find early, diagnose early, and treat early.

Some children are naughty and disobedient. They may have attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. Teachers need to find out in time, inform parents, and urge parents to take their children to see a doctor.

  Some children have symptoms of tic disorder. Teachers and parents think that the children will not change after repeated instruction and reprimand the children.

Increase the child's psychological pressure and cause more serious illness.

  Some children have headaches, stomachaches, distress and uncomfortable symptoms when they go to school. They spend a lot of money and do a lot of checks.

But can't find the reason, can't accept that their children will have psychological problems.

In fact, these children may be somatization symptoms caused by school stress.

Need to find the child's stressor and help the child solve the problem.

  Therefore, popularizing psychological knowledge in schools so that teachers and parents can discover children's psychological problems in time is an important link for children to grow up happily.

  Deep-rooted reasons for the high incidence of teenage psychological problems

  On the one hand, it is the child's own problem.

For example, children have attention deficits, barriers to interpersonal communication, poor adaptability and stress resistance, emotional instability, and limited self-management capabilities, which make children prone to emotional problems.

  On the other hand is the issue of parental education.

We often say that there are just as many children as there are parents.

In some families, the parent education method is all-inclusive, and a doting and nanny education method.

Some families have neglected education.

Some families are full of conflicts, beatings and scolding education.

Some parents have too high expectations, hoping that their children are the best in all aspects, putting all kinds of pressure on their children and making their children feel tired of studying.

Some children, brought up by grandparents and grandparents, return to their parents after school. The inconsistency of the two generations or parental education methods often causes the children to feel insecure, confused, or lie to benefit.

  On the other hand, there is the uncertainty of the education model: there is a deviation in the integration of the primary education method and the secondary education model.

There is no homework when I go home in elementary school, and I can't finish homework in middle school.

Happy education in elementary school, exam-oriented education in middle school.

This difference in education mode makes the children who have just studied at home from the epidemic feel very unsuitable after returning to school.

Many children with adjustment disorders have somatization symptoms such as school fear, weariness, and various physical discomforts. They continue to go to the hospital for medical treatment, and various examinations can not find the problem.

In fact, psychological factors are often at fault.

  How to deal with conflicts and disputes among young people

  Students come to school and need to make new classmates and establish new partnerships. Where is my partner?

What will happen to the partnership?

Can you adapt to the new school, new teachers and new classmates?

This kind of uncertainty makes children growing up full of anxiety.

  There are various ways to communicate with partners. From the initiator of the relationship, there are active and passive types; from the form of communication, there are active and quiet types; as to the way of communication, there are gentle and opposite types, as well as laughing and cursing. Type.

It is very common for things to gather together and divide people into groups. Partners of the same type are more willing to gather together. It is also very common for different types of partners to complement each other and learn from each other.

  But there are also reports of problems in partner communication, even conflicts, violence and wounding among children, which is shocking.

  Partnership is a very important interpersonal relationship for young people.

Social psychology research has found that peer interaction in adolescence is particularly important.

Adolescence is an important period for children's development. Partners of the same age face the same problems and have more common languages.

On the other hand, young people want to discover and know themselves from the reaction of their partners and collectives, and then to perfect themselves.

Therefore, the interaction with partners during this period often affects the development of children throughout their lives.

  The native family that each person comes from determines his outlook on life, values, and the way he handles and solves problems. Therefore, it is normal for different people to have different ways of understanding and handling the same thing.

However, young people may not have learned empathy, lack tolerance, and are prone to impulsiveness. They often inadvertently hurt their friends' feelings and cause conflicts.

It is precisely because young people care about and value their partner interactions that they will have obvious interpersonal sensitivity during this period. Therefore, problems in partner interaction have a subtle and long-term impact on young people's psychology and behavior.

  Disorders in partner communication are often predisposing factors to psychological problems such as depression and Internet addiction.

Therefore, teenagers have problems with partner interactions. Don't take them lightly. They need to help them analyze the reasons, solve the problems, and return to a happy school life.

  Improper handling of partnerships may often be caused by some diseases. These diseases include:

  1. Adolescents with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder will have impulsive behaviors, can't wait to do things, have poor patience, don't think about things, just start the fire, and regret afterwards.

  2. For example, patients with autism spectrum can not understand the words and behaviors of others, cannot maintain long-term interpersonal relationships, often disagree with others, cannot handle flexibly, empathize with others, produce conflicts, and still have paranoid thoughts afterwards. change.

  3. For example, adolescents with sensitive interpersonal relationships feel that every word and deed of others is aimed at themselves, that is, embarrassing themselves and isolating themselves to the extent that social withdrawal or aggressive behavior occurs.

  4. For example, patients with depression, always think the bad things, and the supervisor shields and ignores the good side. Under the influence of their own imaginary emotions, they either use silence to avoid conflicts and resolve conflicts, or suddenly lose control of emotions, resulting in more intense harm Behavior, self-injury or harm to others.

  Simple quarrels and disputes may be quickly forgotten, and the partners reconcile and continue to enjoy the beautiful school life together happily; for serious injuries, don't forget to seek help from legal professionals.

  Family education is crucial to the growth of children’s character

  One year old is a critical period to cultivate a child's sense of security.

Gain a sense of security from the parent’s care, patient tolerance, and active attention.

If parents do not ask about the messages sent by their children during this period, let the children leave their parents too early, leave the parents without saying goodbye, or foster their children in the homes of the elderly or other relatives, the children may experience a lack of security.

  Two years old is the time to develop a sense of humor in children.

At this time, the child is very sensitive to the caregiver's expression, can find interesting things, and laugh.

Parents return more smiling faces to their children, and more coordinated laughter behaviors can help cultivate children's positive emotions.

Therefore, the emotional response of adolescents in the face of contradictions and conflicts is closely related to the parental education methods of infants and young children.

  Indeed, most children gradually find their good friends, or even lifelong friends, in conflicts and conflicts.

However, a small number of people cannot put aside these partner disputes, causing subconscious harm, affecting the formation of lifelong character and the way of dealing with things.

Simple conflicts between young people can find problems in the way of family education and children's psychological problems, so don't understatement.

  (Author: Children's National Medical Center, director of the Beijing Children's Hospital psychological physician)

Yan Chunmei