George Clooney and Caoilinn Springall in the movie "Midnight in the Universe".



George Clooney is currently promoting

Midnight in the Universe

, a sci-fi film expected to hit Netflix on December 23, which he directed and stars as a scientist with cancer.

In order to slip into the skin of the character, the American actor followed a drastic diet and lost 12 kg in a very short time.

A rapid weight loss that led the unforgettable interpreter of Dr. Doug Ross to the emergency room.

"I think I tried to lose weight too fast, that I didn't take enough care of myself," the actor told the British tabloid


Four days before the film's shooting in the Arctic, the 59-year-old star was rushed to hospital with severe stomach pain.

Diagnosis of doctors?

Pancreatitis, which is inflammation of the pancreas.

After a few weeks of recovery, the Oscar winner was able to start shooting late: “It took a few weeks to get better and as a director it's not that easy because you need the energy.

"But it certainly helped me with my character," he concluded.


George Clooney and Ben Affleck could work together again


George Clooney has given up his role in Steven Soderbergh's film for his son

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  • George clooney