"My son does not lie" .. 7 signs prove the opposite


The mother may be the most knowledgeable of her children, but she is also the one who most justifies their behavior, and love may overwhelm looking objectively at some negative behavior, and the phrase “my son does not lie” may be one of the most frequent phrases among mothers, but how accurate is it?

Although a mother can be more than one knows her children and their reactions to situations, the matter may come into confusion over the years, and with the development of the interaction skills of the children and their abilities to choose the most intelligent methods of dealing with situations that require them to evade Answers, the mother may discover that her outlook towards her son or daughter is still an "old version" that needs updating.

Psychology and behavioral experts, in the book "How to communicate and interact effectively with a difficult teenager," say that there are many ways to find out if a person is not being honest, and psychiatrist Adrian Furnham said on Psychology Today that there are ways to find out if The son was insincere and could be applied to children and teenagers.

1 prolonged silence before responding

When the child or teenager takes extended pauses to answer basic and direct questions, this may be an indication that the son is trying to come up with a "correct" answer that is contrary to reality, or that he is trying to manipulate the answer instead of telling the truth.

2 change of subject

The son's attempt to completely change the subject, or provide information that has nothing to do with the question, especially if it is an important and direct question, then this may mean that he is trying to avoid the answer, which indicates that he does not want to tell the truth and wants to hide it.

3 Loudness of sound

When the voice is high and pitched, especially at the end of the sentences, this may be an indicator of feelings of mistrust, tension, and fear, which may be related to the possibility of telling a lie, and feeling uncomfortable with this trick.

4 responses quickly exaggerated

The child and adolescent answered very quickly and in successive terms without a natural break between them, and in the event that the quick answers are not a feature known to him, this means that he is trying hard to be convincing, as if speaking calmly might put him in trouble.

5 stuttering unusually

Stuttering may be an indication that the child or adolescent is feeling irritable and nervous about the question, or he feels the need to defend himself as well, and this may also be caused by the possibility of lying, in case the stuttering is not a usual thing in his speech.

6 eye movement and communication

Avoidance of looking directly and naturally into the eye can be interpreted as a sign of dishonesty and evasiveness. Looking down can be interpreted as an indication of guilt, and looking down sideways as an indication of unwillingness to deal with and avoid the topic.

7 physical distancing and hurdles

When a child or teenager squares and closes his hands or legs when talking to him about a serious matter, or sitting sideways, or carrying something in front of the chest, or standing behind a piece of furniture, to achieve a protective physical barrier, this means his need to achieve emotional distance, which may explain As a kind of trying to hide something.


mother may discover that her view of her son or daughter is still an "old version" that needs updating.

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