According to the summary of the city, elderly people aged 65 and over who were confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus in Tokyo had nearly doubled the number of people aged 65 and over last month because the "second wave" had arrived. It was.

In Tokyo, unlike this summer, when the younger generation was the center, the infection has spread to middle-aged and older people.

Of these, those aged 65 and over are conspicuously infected with elderly people who are at high risk of becoming severe, with the number exceeding 100 for the first time on the 9th and reaching 103.

When the capital summarized the number of people aged 65 and over, last month it was 1348, an increase of 590 from the previous month.

The "second wave" was coming, and the number has increased 1.8 times compared to 734 in August.

In addition, NHK investigated the percentage of all confirmed infections, which was 9% in August, but increased to 13.7% last month and 15.7% by the 9th this month.

Regarding the factors, the city points out that the infection is spreading in medical institutions, facilities for the elderly, and at home, and that there are cases of infection during travel and dinner.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is calling on the elderly to refrain from going out unnecessarily and urgently, and is also calling on thorough infection prevention measures at home.