[Explanation] Recently, Ding Zhi from Kuanzhai Alley in Chengdu, Sichuan, and his team drove a truck full of loving materials into a border defense regiment in the Ali Army Subdistrict of Tibet.

They delivered more than 3,500 volumes of various books, coffee beans grown and roasted by Ding Zhi, and fully automatic coffee machines to the border guards.

  [Live Voice] This coffee machine belongs to you, soldiers.

As for coffee beans, I will provide unlimited (unlimited).

  [Explanation] A border defense regiment in the Ali Army Division is located in a snow-covered plateau where the Himalayas and the Gangdis Mountains cross.

It is called "the roof of the roof of the world" because of the high ice-covered area, thin air and inaccessible people.

The officers and soldiers of the border defense regiment are stationed here all year round, guarding the frontier defense line of the southwestern border of China.

  [Concurrent] Gou Qifa, a soldier of a border defense regiment in the Ali Army Subdistrict, Tibet

  Reading books can not only relieve the pressure of my daily life and training, but also enrich my knowledge and cultivate my sentiment, so that I can better guard the side in future training and work.

  [Explanation] Ding Zhi's dream of becoming a "plateau soldier" has been his childhood dream, but due to age restrictions, he has not been able to do so.

Ding Zhi said that if you can't be a "plateau soldier", you will love the soldiers of the plateau. He is grateful to the border guards and guards the territory for people living in peaceful times. 

  [Concurrent] Love Donor Ding Zhi

  (Why come here?) Because they (officers and soldiers) are also young people and children, they (need) more and better reading (conditions).

  [Explanation] It is understood that in recent years, Ding Zhi has taken thousands of books, coffee beans, coffee machines, computers, desks and other loving materials and drove thousands of kilometers into the Ali Plateau many times. He has turned his dreams into actions and Love is spilled over the plateau barracks and remote schools.

  Ding Zhi told reporters that he is no stranger to Ali Plateau.

As early as 2018, he donated books, desks, computers, televisions and other love materials to three primary schools in Coqin County, Ngari Prefecture, with a total value of more than 600,000 yuan.

In October 2020, he once again brought his team to the Ngari area and donated more than 7,000 books to seven primary and secondary schools in Zanda and Burang counties.

This donation will be another new starting point for his future "journey of love".

  Gongsanlam Liu Xiao reports from East and West Tibet

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]