The album format has probably never been as out as during the decade's streaming.

It is the individual songs that are able to compete with the noise in our smart phones and explode on social media and charts.

- Today it is a luxury item to immerse yourself in.

Music is important in people's lives, but not everyone has time, says Norwegian artist Ane Brun, who has lived in Sweden for many years.

Releases as many as twelve singles

She herself likes the album idea and thinks that some artists are more album artists than others.

- I'm probably one of those and we who are will struggle a bit and want to make an album - but then maybe you can do as I did now and release one song at a time.

Ane Brun releases as many as twelve singles from her two albums - in this way she can combine the new way of releasing music with the old one.

- It is important for me to release these songs together.

They belong together - like a song bicycle.

Life divided into albums

The two albums both revolve around major existential issues: Roots, death, grief, love and homesickness.

But if the first, After The Great Storm, has a 90s and electronics-inspired pop expression, the second, How Beauty Holds The Hand Of Sorrow, is more toned down and acoustic.

- My life is really divided into albums.

I have no children - but I have albums, says Ane Brun.

She sees the autumn's two albums as siblings.

- The first is like an adventurous sister, and the second is a little calmer, perhaps the older sister who has lived a little and thinks that "I can do it the usual way".