Two teachers from Tianjin No. 1 Vocational College were suspected of plagiarism, response: the situation has been recorded

  A few days ago, some netizens reported to The Paper ( that the author’s signature units are Ma Ying and Xing Yue of Tianjin Vocational and Technical College of Electronics and Information, published in the Chinese core journal "Adult Education" in the first issue of "my country "Reflections on the "omnipotence" of community education development", the authors of suspected large-scale plagiarism, Yang Chen and Li Juan, published in the Chinese core journal "Research on Educational Development" in 2008, the 11th issue of "Research on the Phenomenon of Community Education in my country" .

  On November 23, The Paper called the Organization Department of the Party Committee of Tianjin Vocational College of Electronics and Information Technology.

  According to the comparison papers of The Paper, the article "Research on the "omnipotence" of community education in my country" written by Yang Chen and Li Juan is divided into the exploration of the "omnipotence" of community education, the analysis of the causes of the phenomenon of "omnipotence" in community education, and the community There are three parts of thinking triggered by the "omnipotence" of education.

  Ma Ying and Xing Yue’s "Reflections on the "Totalization" of Community Education in my country" is divided into the development process of the "omnipotence" of community education in my country, the analysis of the reasons for the phenomenon of "omnipotence" in community education in China, and the development of community education in my country. Three parts of reflection on the phenomenon of omnipotence.

  In addition, Yang Chen and Li Juan wrote in the first paragraph of the article "A Study on the Phenomenon of "Totalization" in Community Education in my country": There was no "omnipotent" concept and design at the beginning of the formation of community education in my country. It can be said that "omnipotent" The emergence is passive and hasty.

The “omnipotence” of community education in our country mainly comes from the active guidance of governments at all levels. The driving force is to build a lifelong education system and create a learning society. It is marked by the "Action Plan for Revitalizing Education for the 21st Century" approved by the State Council in January 1999. (Referred to as "Action Plan").

  Ma Ying and Xing Yue's "Reflections on the Development of "Totalization" in my country's Community Education", the first part of the article "The Development Process of "Totalization" in my country's Community Education" reads: Community education in my country was originally used as a moral education in primary and secondary schools Proposed by the auxiliary system.

It can be said that community education did not form an "omnipotent" idea when it was designed and conceived. The emergence of community education omnipotence is the result of the guidance and promotion of policies at all levels of government, and it is passive.

[1] In the process of promoting the "omnipotence" of community education, its motivation comes from the country's strategy of building a lifelong education system and building a learning society.

The landmark event was the "Action Plan for Revitalizing Education in the 21st Century" approved by the Ministry of Education in 1999 (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan")...

  It can be seen that the above two paragraphs only have different expressions, but the general meaning is the same.

  For another example, Yang Chen and Li Juan in the article "Research on the Phenomenon of the "Totalization" of Community Education in my country", the second paragraph of the section "1. Reflections on the Essence of Community Education" Writes: In the author's opinion, the problem still needs to be solved from the official definition of community education.

This definition is constrained by the “omnipotent” thinking of the community. It transfers part of the community functions to community education. It will improve the quality of life of all members of the community and realize community development as a community education function. This not only makes community education bear an unbearable burden, but also It has affected the correct positioning of community education, and caused confusion in the design of the management system, causing the community to fall into the dilemma of "regardless of".

The author believes that the essence of community education is education, and the characteristic is community, that is, community education is different from other education in four aspects: first, community education serves community development; second, community education is organized by community organizations to mobilize residents to participate; The identity of the object of education is the community resident; fourth, the activity venue for community education is in the community.

Under the guidance of this definition, community education is organized by the government, managed by the education administration, and included in the government's fiscal budget. At the same time, the requirements of the civil affairs department and other institutions on community education can be coordinated and implemented by the education administration.

  The second paragraph of "1. Reflection on the Essence of Community Education" in "Reflection on the Phenomenon of omnipotence in the Development of Community Education in my country" written by Ma Ying and Xing Yue wrote : Therefore, in order to clarify the nature of community education, we must also proceed from the official definition of community education.

Objectively speaking, in the process of defining the definition of community education, the Ministry of Education was still influenced by the idea of ​​"omnipotence" in community construction, imposing part of the functions that belonged to community work on community education.

[7] That is, it is believed that community education should take up the function of improving the quality of life of community people and promoting the sustainable development of the community, which has affected the proper positioning of community education.

More importantly, this definition of connotation makes the design of the community education management system chaotic, and a situation of multiple management has emerged in practice.

The essence of community education is education, which is an integral part of my country's current education system, and its characteristic is to base itself on the community.

The reason why community education is community education is that it differs from other forms of education in the following four aspects: First, community education must serve the development of the community; second, community education must involve the participation of all members of the community mobilization. The community can also participate spontaneously; third, the object of community education is all the people in the community; fourth, the place for community education must be in the community, and the conditions for running schools must be based on the community.

After clarifying the nature of community education, as part of the current education system, community education should be organized by governments at all levels, managed by the education department, and included in the budget of the district and county governments.

  In the above two paragraphs, although the wording and the sequence of sentences have been changed, they are roughly the same in meaning.

  The Paper Journalist Yu Xi