[Global Network Comprehensive Report Reporter Zhao Youping] According to news from Hong Kong media on November 19, Hong Kong rioters Guo Zhuojian and Liang Songheng questioned that the Hong Kong riot police and the "Speed ​​Dragon Team" did not display the police officer number as illegal and constitutional. The Hong Kong High Court rejected their application for review today. .

  According to a report from Hong Kong's "Sing Tao Net", the Hong Kong Journalists Association and a number of citizens appealed to the Hong Kong High Court earlier to apply for judicial review, questioning the Hong Kong Anti-Riot Police and the "Speed ​​Dragon Team" for not displaying the police officer number as illegal and constitutional.

Judge Zhou Jiaming of the Hong Kong High Court today (19th) issued a verdict, saying that Guo Zhuojian and Liang Songheng only rely on the evidence of individual participation in the demonstration, saying that the identity of the police officer cannot be identified, and it is not sufficient to prove that the police officer’s behavior violated the Basic Law, so they rejected it. The two review the application.

  "Sing Tao.com" previously reported that the Hong Kong police dispatched the "Speed ​​Dragon Team" to deal with the Admiralty conflict on June 12, 2019. Some people questioned that the team members did not display the police officer number on their uniforms.

The opposition activist Guo Zhuojian, known as the "Cheung Chau Review King," and Leung Chung Hang, who was found to be disqualified as a member of the Legislative Council, sued the Hong Kong High Court for a judicial review, requesting the court to declare that the non-plainclothes police officers who did not display their numbers on that day were not performing their duties.