The size of a teaspoon ... the amount of Corona virus that has infected the world so far

 An Australian scientist confirmed that the amount of the emerging corona virus that has infected humans around the world so far is approximately equal to the size of a tea spoon.

According to the British newspaper "The Sun", Matt Parker, an Australian mathematician, indicated that the total amount of the virus that infected more than 53 million people around the world is only about 8 milliliters, equivalent to roughly the size of a tea spoon.

Parker put several assumptions to reach this conclusion, which he commented on, saying: "All the chaos in the world now ... is due to the amount of virus the size of a teaspoon."

He added, "The virus particle is very small, despite its great ability to destroy other cells."

Parker evaluated 300,000 new cases of infection daily around the world by estimating the number of cells in each person infected with the virus based on medical smears and research.

Assuming each new case was infected for 14 days, he then counted the number of people currently carrying the virus.

Parker concluded that the total amount of the virus that infected more than 53 million people around the world was about 8 milliliters.

It is reported that the number of deaths from the virus exceeded one million and 327 thousand cases.

The United States leads the world in terms of the number of injuries, followed by India, Brazil, France, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, Argentina, Italy, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Germany, Iran and South Africa.

The United States also leads the world in terms of the number of deaths, followed by Brazil, India, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Italy and France.

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