Reducing the burden of infertility treatment To expand the scope of subsidies in advance Chiba City November 18, 7:59


In response to the consideration of expanding the national subsidy system to reduce the burden of infertility treatment, Chiba City will limit the income of the subsidy system currently in place next year so that no one will postpone the treatment. We decided to abolish it in advance from January and expand the scope of the subsidy.

Of the infertility treatments, "in vitro fertilization", which requires a high treatment cost, is not covered by insurance, and in principle, if the wife is under 43 years old and the couple's income is less than 7.3 million yen, some of them are paid by themselves. The cost is subsidized.

The national government is aiming to expand insurance coverage in order to reduce the burden of such fertility treatment, but as a measure to realize it, we are considering expanding the current system, such as removing income restrictions.

Chiba City will remove income restrictions in advance as a city-specific initiative from January next year so that no one will postpone fertility treatment in anticipation of this expansion, and it will be economical for those who want children. We have decided on a policy to provide such support.

Until the national system is expanded, the city will subsidize it with the city's budget, and Chiba City says, "Many people say that the treatment cost is high and they are giving up, so it seems that no one misses the timing of fertility treatment. I want to support you. "