Toni Bolaño

asked on Ondacero if ETA was still killing.

It was his way of justifying that Bildu buckled the Budgets of the PSOE coalition

in the gathering of

More than one

, the program directed by

Carlos Alsina


He argued in favor of the Government, leaving the Government in a worse place than it was before the talk began.

"At the moment ETA is killing?"

put it on the table and listening to it made you want to laugh at the pain because he had synthesized in one sentence everything that is

bad in these circumstances in which the trompe l'oeil of sheathed violence matters more than the dead, the victims and all the architecture of sadness that Otegi's gang left behind.

As ETA does not kill, poor Baños reflected on behalf of


, its political extension is comparable. The question is impregnated with the disastrous aroma that Bildu gives off, like a latent threat: let's see if ETA is going to kill again and we are not going to be able to get political performance out of the wreckage that still floats in the Basque Country.

Both Bolaño and the president of Asturias,

Adrián Barbón

They did the math by subtracting Citizens from the sum.

"There was no other option," they convinced themselves.

The transition that is taking place in the country was at stake.

Install the new mental framework that, like Bolaño, some are testing in the media

where they take the freshly baked bread in Moncloa


You also go to the gatherings with the test tubes, to do tests, pour some chemicals and observe the reaction. The response to the "disgusting" of


was voodoo vox with


, an argumentative exit that is the essence of this entire legislature, as if the only reprehensible reactionaries were


and your company when they are not even comparable.

There is in Otegi, the newly released progressive, the very basis of the reaction: kill.

-What about the Delcy case, the Budgets, the management of the pandemic and the pacts? -And Franco? It cannot be said that Bolaño is not well trained.

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