The director Nelly Kaplan, in 2005. -


We owe him in particular

La Fiancée du pirate

, cult film worn by Bernadette Lafont.

Director Nelly Kaplan died of Covid-19 this Thursday in a hospital in Geneva (Switzerland).

She was 89 years old.

According to one of his relatives, François Martinet, who had interviewed him at length for the Cahiers du Cinéma, Nelly Kaplan had accompanied his companion, actor and producer Claude Makowski to the Swiss capital where he died in August of Parkinson's disease .

She has since been living in a nursing home where she contracted Covid-19.

Nelly Kaplan, originally from a family of Russian Jews, who came to France from Buenos Aires (Argentina) at the age of 22, had made his film debut with director Abel Gance.

She was to collaborate with him for ten years.

She loved literature and especially poetry, and bonded with several writers, including Philippe Soupault and André Breton.

Erotic novels

An anarcho-feminist writer, she had written erotic writings that had to face censorship.

In 1974, she published under a pseudonym her novel

Mémoires d'une liseuse de draps


She became known by

La Fiancée du pirate

, selected at the Venice Film Festival in 1969. Bernadette Lafont played there a free young woman who takes revenge on villagers who are hostile to her. 

Nelly Kaplan has directed other films: Papa, les petits Bateaux ..., Néa, Charles and Lucie, Pattes de velours, Plaisir d'amour, as well as documentaries devoted to artists (Gustave Moreau, Abel Gance, André Masson , Victor Hugo, Pablo Picasso, etc.).

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  • Cinema