Microphones in the colors of France Inter.



Despite all the alerts, the situation is deteriorating: a study carried out by the services of deputy Céline Calvez on the place of women in the media in October shows an even worse situation than the first confinement.

Between the months of March and May, the rate of guests at the top 10 radio morning shows was 23%, the deputy's entourage calculated.

From October 12 to November 5, it was only 21%.

"We have a real stall that cannot be attributed solely to the distribution of power in the economic and political spheres" warned the member in June in our columns.

These alerts and these bad figures will obviously not have rocked the Minister of Culture, who has so far retained only one of the 26 recommendations of Céline Calvez.

Only one proposal from the Calvez report retained

Exit therefore the proposal most directly able to transform the written press, the conditioning of state aid or the payment of a bonus to the newspapers most respectful of parity in their pages.

Friday, in the National Assembly, the minister indicated to prefer the way of "voluntary commitments" and asked the member to withdraw her amendment.

From the work of the elected Hauts-de-Seine, only the proposal remained to modify the decree relating to the reform of press aid to add respect for parity.

But this proposal should have little effect, since it is not accompanied by any sanction in the event of breach of obligations.

Worrisome figures at the international level too

These new figures transmitted by the staff of Celine Calvez's mission are published at the same time as an analysis of the 15 main media in Australia, Great Britain and the United States.

This study, conducted during lockdown by King's College London (Global Institute for Women's Leadership) shows that women accounted for only a third of those cited in articles about the coronavirus.

However, these figures show a great disparity: women represented nearly 53% of those interviewed in the “art and entertainment” category but only 34% for the political category and 11% for sport.


Why aren't the books of Eric Brion and David Doucet of great interest to feminists?


"Balance Ton Père" by Eric Brion and "La haine en ligne" by David Doucet fight against "cancel culture"

  • Sexism

  • Radio

  • Women

  • Media

  • Parity