A fixed speed camera (illustration).



Gérald Darmanin wants to authorize mayors to install automatic radars in their municipalities without having to obtain the prefect's agreement.

"It's a revolution for road safety," said the Minister of the Interior on Wednesday in an interview with the daily



"Communities, in conjunction with residents, will thus be able to put speed cameras, noise control or pollution control where they deem them useful," he added.

The measure must be integrated into the bill for “global security”, presented by the LREM majority and their ally of Agir.

It will be debated from November 17 in the National Assembly.

The examination of the amendments to the text began on Wednesday in the law committee.

Divergent opinions

Today, the installation of fixed speed cameras is decided by the prefects on the basis of different criteria of accidentology and road infrastructure.

The decision is taken in conjunction with the departmental directorates of the territories (DDT).

That of anti-noise and anti-pollution radars, on the other hand, is the responsibility of local authorities.

Chantal Perrichon, president of the League against road violence, welcomed the announcement of Gérald Darmanin.

“These are the mayors who know their cities, crossed by madmen who drive at excessive speeds.

This will serve to protect their voters who complain about the danger of speeding in urban areas, ”she said.

"We are moving towards variable geometry road safety," was worried Pierre Chasseray, general delegate of the association 40 million motorists.

For the latter, "to get the prefect out of the system is to take the risk of having a completely heterogeneous France with different rules from one department to another, from one city to another, and therefore French lost ”.


The State wants to multiply by five the number of privatized radar cars by the end of 2021


Automatic speed camera revenue down again

  • Society

  • Mayor

  • Gerald Darmanin

  • Automotive

  • Road safety

  • Radar