“Hell is empty.

All demons are here. "

It is this phrase from Shakespeare's immortal Tempest that best describes the current situation in the United States.

The country is split, as, perhaps, never in recent history.

And could anyone have imagined such a thing quite recently?

The world hegemon, dictating the rules and controlling the whole world with his all-seeing eye, faced such a fierce internal conflict. 

Perhaps for the first time in America there is no concept of what is "tomorrow."

What is a good life and can it be achieved?

Trump destroyed all stereotypes, he stirred up that “Washington swamp”, gave people hope.

“Let's Make America Great Again” sounds beautiful and inspiring.

We must honestly admit that Trump really did a lot to fulfill his campaign promises in those areas where he was not hindered.

Tax reform, streamlining the situation with migrants, supporting industry, strengthening borders.

But were his opponents ready for this?

The whole absurdity of today's "model" democracy is that in fact there is no democracy, there is no free choice.

The victory in the 2016 presidential race for Trump, as it turned out later, did not at all mean the implementation of all his proposals and plans, because not a single system that has developed for decades or even centuries is ready to surrender all its achievements overnight.

It will fight and resist - and, as we can see, it will do it quite successfully. 

Trump was unlucky with the coronavirus, and opponents could not help but take advantage of it.

The pandemic, of course, turned out to be a serious blow, the American medical system could not stand it, people took to the streets.

A gift of fate for the Democrats, who, let me remind you, under Obama tried for eight years to solve the medical problems of Americans, but without noticeable success.

And what happened in the end?

On the one hand, the incumbent president with seemingly all the might of the administrative resource, on the other, the democrats, ready to do anything to remove the one who confused their cards with all the might of the "democratic" propaganda machine in the form of numerous major media outlets.

What is the result?

Throwing aside all the details and subtleties, this is a race almost head to head.

Throwing stuff, dirty technology, obvious even to an inexperienced observer of fraud.

The main democracy in the world, which should have reached its apogee in the 21st century, overnight took absolutely ugly forms.

Total manipulation of people, there is no question of any power of the people.

What do we see today in the USA?

The classic Ukrainian situation: the lords are fighting, and the forelocks of the slaves are cracking.

The path from the only superpower to behavior in the style of a failed state, which, of course, is Ukraine, turned out to be very short.

Today it is already clear: whichever side in the US wins, the confrontation will continue in any case.

Meetings, strikes, mutual aggression.

No single outcome will satisfy all parties.

Clashes will traditionally begin with young people.

After the words, it will come to the kulaks, in fact, this is already happening - in Washington, New York, Los Angeles. 

Fortunately, BLM has already worked out the technology.

The population felt the sweet taste of permissiveness.

After the police were forced to kneel, the police are unlikely to be in business - there are no fools.

And in a situation where the crime does not entail inevitable punishment, it is strange to expect a different alignment of events.

(Again, I note that everything was the same in Ukraine in 2014).

Another fact is also clear to us.

Empires do not die overnight - the agony can last indefinitely, since the political, economic and military power of the United States has not been canceled for all this.

The Roman Empire has been in agony for centuries.

However, if it happens that for a long time the United States will have to deal with its internal situation, then for us, and for all the independent countries of the world, this is great news.

Another thing is whether we will be able to take advantage of the opportunities provided by fate or will the chances be missed again? 

What else is important?

Today, more than ever in recent decades, there is a great demand in the world for freedom, for the right to follow one's own path, for the ability to independently make decisions and make one's own and only one's own choice.

There are very serious problems with this today on all continents.

The sophistication of manipulation has reached a critical level.

The external forms of democracy do not correspond at all to the actual content of the unfolding political processes.

Ordinary people are practically erased from this field, all power is in the hands of the elites, unable to listen and hear people.

Trump (at least in words) tried to change this, but to no avail. 

Regardless of how the current confrontation in the United States ends, the reluctance of elites to listen to people is very dangerous.

Not only for the USA, but for the whole world.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.