The US presidential election is the number one topic for almost all countries in the world.

But are there many countries in the world whose political elites consider the battle between Trump and Biden to be more important for themselves than the election of their own president?

One such country is definitely present on the globe.

And you know her well.

Need more tips?

I’m sure not.

Of course, we are talking about Ukraine.

For the past four years, the Kiev political elite have felt orphaned.

From the point of view of Ukrainian politicians, Trump treated their country differently from the way the President of the United States should treat it.

But Biden, according to the Kiev servants of the people, is a completely different matter!

In the Ukrainian capital, the candidate for the US leader from the Democratic Party is not prayed for.

Of course, there is a certain homely political logic in this approach.

The well-known "geography expert" Trump (according to former Trump's national security aide Bolton, he asked him if Finland was part of Russia) Ukraine as such was not at all interested.

The opportunity to harass Biden, using the Ukrainian adventures of his son, the current head of the White House, was very worried, but Ukraine itself was not at all.

Biden in this regard is really a completely different matter.

If a Democratic candidate breaks into the White House, the topic of Ukraine will move from the periphery of American foreign policy to its very center.

From the point of view of the Kiev servants of the people, this will definitely be a great achievement.

But will this be a great achievement if you try to assess the situation objectively, and not through the distorting mirror of Ukrainian politics?

How, apart from rhetorical demands addressed to Russia, can President Biden be able to help Ukraine?

The list of cherished desires of the Kiev political elite is well known.

Let's go over it briefly.

Point number one is the “return” of Crimea.

This will not happen, even if President Biden speaks every single day about the "woeful fate of the annexed peninsula" at breakfast, lunch, dinner and even afternoon tea.

Crimea is part of Russia, and Russia is not in the habit of parting with parts of its territory.

And even the kind requests of our "bosom friend" like old Joe Biden are hardly capable of changing this Russian tradition.  

Moving on to the second item on the menu - the topic of the return of Donbass.

And again, I don't really understand how Joe Biden can help Ukraine here.

To regain Donbass, Ukraine must start talking directly to Donbass.


This is a surprisingly simple, one might say, even primitive thought. 

But the boiling indignant mind of the Kiev servants of the people cannot come to terms with this circumstance, which for some reason is perceived as offensive.

Instead of a sober recognition of reality in Kiev, for some reason, they prefer to reason in the logic of "when the master comes - the master will judge us."

No doubt, Biden is probably not at all averse to being such a gentleman.

But what can he really do?

Send American troops to Donbass?

No, it won't.

Due to circumstances that do not require a particularly detailed decoding, this will not happen.

To put pressure on Russia harder?

Under Trump, America has pushed hard on Russia without much success - so hard that high-ranking officials in Washington have long complained that they no longer have anyone in our country to impose sanctions on.  

Point three, it is also the main one, in the list of the most cherished desires of the Ukrainian political elite: give more money!

Considering the recent completely politically incorrect, but very sincere statement of a prominent European Union functionary that “we are not an ATM for you,” it is understandable why the Ukrainian public servants pin their hopes on Biden.

I am afraid, however, that here too they will be disappointed.

American foreign policy is only rhetorically based on altruism.

They know how to count money in Washington just as well as in Brussels, and perhaps even better. 

So the hopes that Kiev is pinning on a change of power in Washington are mostly unfounded?

If you look not at the external outline of events, but at their essence, then it turns out that this is so.

In the "Internationale" it is sung: "No one will give us deliverance: neither God, nor tsar, nor hero.

We will achieve liberation with our own hand! "

I am aware that a policy of “decommunization” is being pursued in Ukraine, so the “Internationale” is not at all in vogue there.

But even unfashionable songs can contain extremely reasonable and modern thoughts. 

Ukraine can achieve liberation from the country's main problems only with its own hand.

But this is boring!

Whether it is a matter of waiting for sponsorship and valuable guidance from the Washington Regional Committee!

They say that the last first secretary of the regional committee, Comrade Trump, did not live up to the expectations of the laboring (or rather, oligarchic) ​​people, but his replacement, Comrade Biden, will definitely justify them!

Is it funny?

I would say sad.

But what can you do if the Ukrainian political class prefers to live in illusions rather than reality?

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.