salt and sugar

"I served the club."

Youssef Al-Ahmad

twitter: @yousif_alahmed

05 November 2020

In the midst of the rapid events, the scenes and situations remain present and people remember, despite the rotation of the wheel of time and the departure of the faces and the transition of the situation from one stage to another, and perhaps the association of people with places is a prominent feature that made the lifestyle of many people related to it, especially in the vicinity of clubs and around it, as it forms a lung from which it breathes Those who consider it to be their second home, if not the first, as it represents inspiration and an indispensable legacy, just as it is an innate sense of love and belonging to those entities in which they were brought up and raised in, so that most of their youth would spend a service and generosity moving in it between different locations and centers from players to administrators Or coaches, and from them at the end of the journey to the category of followers and fans, after they completed their roles and completed their required responsibilities and replaced them with substitutes.

On the other hand, there was a reward and reward based on the amount of that giving and effort, as the majority benefited from the benefits and benefits that they obtained through their affiliation with those institutions from which they started, and without them their names would have had no mention or effect, for they were distinguished at the level of society and have an area of ​​priority From others, whether through gifts and gifts, or with their basic needs such as study, employment, and housing, what gave them a trait that distinguished them from the rest of those who had endured the trouble of waiting and suffered the bitterness of marginalization, as it is a fact that cannot be dropped or erased from the clubs' archives or memory book.

At the same time, some people are still playing the "I served the club" record, making it a blessing to bargain and show off in every council and place, but facts and evidence also confirm that the service was not free, but rather at a price that was sometimes very expensive. Clubs were established to be incubators for various groups. It was a member of society for many decades, but it was also an umbrella for those who sought refuge in it in search of developing a skill, refining experience or gaining fame, just as some made it a gateway and a stop to reach the achievement of personal goals and objectives.

Someone might say that the clubs took and drained a lot of them, but on the one hand they were generous and generous, and they had a contribution to solving problems and improving a situation. They even presented names and faces that have become due to them from the notables. They have the ability to attend and respond at every forum nowadays, so the equation Balanced, and it is unfair for the clubs to bear the exploitation of some and their persistence in their affairs, impossible to say, "I was the son of the club and I served the club", for how many of these were the pickaxes of demolishing and ruining that club!

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Some still play the "I served the club" record, making it a blessing to bargain with and show off in every council and position.

twitter: @yousif_alahmed