Tuesday, in "Without appointment", the sex therapist Catherine Blanc responded to a mother who is worried about the behavior of her son, who continues to conquer.

And reminds that young people often do not take the time to go to the end of their romantic relationships.

For both men and women, adolescence and the first years of adulthood are those of the discovery of seduction and sex life, and can be accompanied by a desire to multiply experiences. .

This is the case of the 19-year-old son of Isabelle, who continues to conquer, which worries our listener.

Tuesday, in Sans rendez-vous, on Europe 1, the sex therapist Catherine Blanc gave him some advice. 

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Isabelle's question

My 19-year-old son goes on conquest.

He never stays with a girl for very long and makes some suffer.

My husband says that it doesn't matter, that youth must be done, but I would not like him to fall into a path of don Juan and that he does not respect women.

Is it normal, at his age, to chain conquests? 

Catherine Blanc's response

It is not a necessary step.

It is obvious that young people tend to want to try things and not try to go all the way to achieve them, to grow quietly in the relationship.

No sooner have they tried something than, immediately, they fret because they do not want to face their difficulties, face their shyness.

So they try and they go.

And suddenly, they mistreat the person they love.

This behavior is normal within the meaning of the standard.

But is it necessary to grow up and become a man?

The answer is no.

Can this behavior also concern young girls? 


There are two categories: those very worried about the passage to the act in sexuality and those who have the feeling that this is also to exist full of his desire, just like boys, in consumption for consumption. .

And in their turn, they fall into the same trap as the boys which is not to take the time to build, to discover themselves on the edge of the other, and who flee in the name of all-out consumption. 

Can a shy boy who does not have this young behavior change as he gets older? 

It should already be remembered that when you are timid, you can evolve but you do not have to play the don Juan to be able to change your tune as to the way you look at yourself and your skills.

But often a number of men who have been rather calm and reserved suddenly wake up at 50 and say to themselves "my god, I haven't been through things", and there is an urgent need to live them because, precisely, they see the dawning of their sexual life.

While 50 is obviously not the end of sex life.

Is Isabelle right to worry about her son? 

His question is interesting because when we bring up a child, we must give it material to be a free man.

And being a free man is certainly not by alienating anyone, so in this case the other sex.