Guest of Anne Roumanoff, Buddhist Mattieu Ricard confides that he would like to have the possibility of trying to change Donald Trump, even if he is not sure of the results he could obtain ...


Donald Trump and Buddha, an unlikely duo?

This is not necessarily the opinion of Matthieu Ricard.

The famous French Buddhist is the guest of Anne Roumanoff, for her book

ABC of wisdom

, co-written with Christophe André and Alexandre Jollien.

A book full of good principles ... like those he would like to have the opportunity to instill in the President of the United States.

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"He has the nature of Buddha deep inside him"

As a convinced Buddhist, Matthieu Ricard ensures that he does not blame the person of Donald Trump.

"He is a human being, he has the nature of Buddha deep inside him," he says.

For him, the problem lies more in the actions.

"What is serious is the impact of suffering it will have on future generations with the environment, on the poor in the United States", explains Matthieu Ricard.

"In his country, there are 15 million people who will not be able to go to the dentist in their entire life, because they cannot afford it. And he wants to cut off all forms of social assistance. These are things which are really the opposite of benevolence. "


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"I visualize Trump helping the poor"

But Matthieu Ricard does not lose hope.

"I would be very happy to be locked up with him for 24 hours, that we both end up in prison", imagines the Buddhist.

But would one day be enough for him to make Donald Trump better?

"I don't know, but the experience is worth trying," he replies.

Perhaps the hardest part would be to convince the American president to lock himself up for 24 hours with a Buddhist.

In the meantime, Matthieu Ricard imagines the American president in benevolent situations.

"I sometimes do visualizations, where I imagine her treating people in hospitals or distributing food to the poor. It's those kinds of wishes that I make for her future," he explains. -he. 

This method of visualization is one of the principles of Buddhism, according to the explanations of Matthieu Ricard.

Hopefully it will allow the Republican candidate for re-election to accept the results of this ballot, which he described as "the most fraudulent in history" from last July.