An eagle in Alaska.



They are round, oval, mobile or fixed, compound or not, and offer many advantages over those of the human being.

They are the eyes of animals.

Tools that have evolved for thousands of years, according to their needs and their environment.

We can now distinguish two large families among fauna: "complex" eyes, more like insects for example, and "camera" eyes, of which humans are a part.

Not to mention the differences in pupils: vertical to filter the light, horizontal to see around.

And then there are those who have superpowers: the chameleon and its independent eyes, or the eagle and its vision from miles away ... Enough to look straight at the video of Brut, our partner, on the subject :



International trafficking of flying squirrels dismantled in Florida



But why did the Aral Sea disappear?

  • Gross

  • Eye

  • Planet

  • Video

  • Animals