The American, who discovered he suffered from cold urticaria, felt unwell when he got out of the shower.

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A 34-year-old inhabitant of Colorado (United States) did not go far from literally freezing to death.

The man collapsed on his bathroom floor getting out of his shower.

His family found him on the ground, having difficulty breathing and his body covered with hives, says

Science Alert


The American had developed an allergic reaction.

The study of his case, published on October 27 in

The Journal of Emergency Medicine,

explains that the 30-


did indeed suffer from anaphylaxis.

This is a particularly powerful effect of allergies on the body.

The patient is subject to what these relatives described to rescuers as "an allergy to cold".

This would have started to manifest itself when the 30-something left Micronesia to settle in Colorado.

An ice cube confirms the diagnosis

Rescuers quickly put him on oxygen and administered epinephrine before taking him to the emergency room.

The American was sweating profusely and all of his skin was red.

Doctors confirmed that these symptoms were the result of a reaction called cold urticaria by placing an ice cube on her skin for five minutes.

Treatment with steroids and antihistamines allowed him to recover and go home, says

Science Alert


A study by the United States National Institute of Health estimates that 0.05% of the population of Central Europe suffers from cold urticaria.

Patients develop this reaction when they are exposed to cold water or air or after consuming drinks or frozen foods.

Skin manifestations are more frequent than anaphylaxis.


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  • Health

  • United States

  • Shower

  • Cold

  • Allergy