Fragility affects 1 in 4 women after 65 years

Bone health .. the keyword in diet and activities

A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is important in building bones.

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Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become weak and brittle, and it affects one in four women over the age of 65, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A consultant orthopedic consultant at Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Abe Abelson, said that bone health "is often absent from attention," noting that it may become an urgent necessity to enable a person to lead an independent life as he ages.

"Losing bone strength is often the only thing that leads a person to a nursing home, or the inability to participate in activities he loves, such as caring for the family, raising grandchildren, practicing favorite sports, and things that make life worthwhile."

Habits that build strong bones begin in childhood and pave the way for complete bone health in the future, the first of which is a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, as this is so important in building bones.

And Abelson added: “For adults, 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day is sufficient, while about 800 units of vitamin D is sufficient for most people. Calcium-rich foods include: milk, cheese, fortified orange juice, spinach, kale, salmon, tuna and eggs, while sunlight helps the body to form Vitamin (D), which can also be obtained from nutritional supplements. ”

The doctor recommended activities that put pressure on the bones to stimulate their growth, such as brisk walking, which produces enough pressure to build the bones, and it is also important to avoid smoking and alcohol, and to avoid inactivity, because these habits have a negative effect on bone health.

She explained that “there are drugs available to help reduce the risk of bone fractures for people who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, but some people hesitate to take them because of the rare complications that they have heard or read about,” noting that these drugs work well when taken as prescribed. .

And invited to discuss its benefits and risks with the specialist doctor.

Abelson added: "The possibility of these risks occurring is low, and it remains much lower than the risk of a hip fracture, for example. Therefore, we call for a doctor's consultation about the timing of treatment and procedures, based on our keenness to try to prevent osteoporosis patients with fractures in the future."

Abby Abelson:

"Bone health may become an urgent necessity, to enable a person to lead an independent life as he ages."

Loss of bone strength is the only thing that causes adults to be unable to participate in activities they love.

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