Containment: What are the non-essential products that you will no longer find in supermarkets?


20 minutes

  • The government has decided to close all non-essential shelves in supermarkets from this Tuesday, so as not to compete with local shops.

  • If some Internet users approve of these measures, it complicates the lives of low-income households and inhabitants of rural areas.

  • They fear that Amazon is still the big winner in containment.

No more cultural products, toys, clothing, household appliances, flowers, jewelry and decorations.

From this Tuesday, my supermarkets are prohibited from selling anything other than products considered essential.

In the sling of local shops, bookstores in the lead, against large distribution, the government decided by the voice of Jean Castex, Sunday evening.

Some Internet users have decided to postpone their purchases, out of solidarity for small traders, or intend to benefit from click and collect services when possible.

But for others, the coming weeks will be complicated.

Especially for small budgets.

“I am a poor worker, says Laurence straight away.

I cannot afford to buy in local shops because they are more expensive than supermarkets and I cannot order online either, because you have to pay the delivery costs.

Iza also only buys family clothes and cultural products in supermarkets to save money.

“I have no choice but to wait for the green light from the government at the end of this second confinement,” she regrets.

Dress the children

But if for an adult the purchase of a garment can be postponed, it is not the same for children and babies.

“How can the government decide what is essential and what is not, asks Laurie.

I have a baby who needs shoes.

I find myself having to order on the Internet blind.

Between delivery times and the risk that the size will not fit, what do I do in the meantime?

I leave him barefoot?

And the same goes for clothes.

I need bodies.

I pay three or four times less in supermarkets than on specialized sites.

Is it Mr. Castex who will pay them?

Others are worried about their appliances.

"What to do if the fridge or the electric hobs break down", asks Nathalie.

“If you order over the Internet, deliveries can take a week to arrive,” adds Céline.

In addition to the anger of modest households, there is the feeling of abandonment of the inhabitants of rural areas, for whom there was in any case no competition between supermarkets and local shops.

“With us, there are no local shops, apart from a small bakery.

So I buy everything at the supermarket, the nearest of which is 15 km away, Chris says.

These announcements make our lives even more difficult and we feel even more isolated.


Amazon, big winner

Same situation for Véronique.

“The only bookstore that offers us the click and collect option involves a 70 kilometer round trip.

I doubt that this justification passes police checks.

All this to preserve the turnover of a bookseller who has not existed in my city for fifteen years.

By closing the book section of our supermarkets and our press points, the State has closed our only possibility of obtaining a book without burning fuel or going through the Internet and increases the weight of this new confinement on our lives.


For all non-essential products, "all we have to do is turn to Amazon," says Vianney.

Seniors who are resistant to online shopping, for their part, no longer have any means of obtaining these products.

The consequences on the morale of the French are expected to be disastrous.


  • Internet users

  • Ecommerce

  • Society

  • Confinement

  • Large distribution

  • Trade