Post-80s garbage sorting expert Mei Changlin——

  Tailor-made "customized" classification scheme for more than 100 communities in 8 years


  In Xiaonanzhuang Community, Haidian Street, garbage sorting has become the "new fashion" here.

Xiaonanzhuang community has established a full-category intelligent cabinet machine sorting station, which uses the "Internet +" model to assist garbage classification. Residents only need to "swipe their faces" on the central screen of the intelligent cabinet machine to easily throw all kinds of domestic waste. , You can get corresponding points rewards after the placement is completed.

  Similarly, in Siwangfu Village, Xiangshan Street, a mobile garbage sorting and recycling vehicle shuttles through the streets.

Every morning and evening, with the sound of the horns of "We come together for garbage sorting", residents have their own garbage coming to line up to put them out. Everyone only needs to swipe the "garbage sorting management card" on the machine to be at home. Dispose of kitchen waste and recyclables, and complete the system entry of waste weighing and points data.

  Behind these innovative work models of waste sorting, there is a third-party service company for waste sorting.

The founder of the company is a young man born in the 1980s. He spent 8 years in more than 100 communities in Haidian District, and combined with the actual conditions of each community, he "customized" waste sorting schemes according to local conditions, and the communities served are 100% He was also awarded the title of Beijing Municipal Solid Waste Sorter by the Beijing Municipal Management Committee.

He is Mei Changlin.

  "I hope that in the matter of garbage sorting, I can contribute the wisdom of some young people." In 2007, Mei Changlin retired from the army, and then started a business in Beijing, engaged in environmental sanitation and cleaning. Governance attaches great importance to it, and I also hope to contribute to the environment of Beijing." Mei Changlin said.

In the past few years, his company's sanitation and cleaning work has been recognized and affirmed by the street. In 2012, Haidian Sanhuan Community wanted to do a pilot project of garbage classification. First, he found Mei Changlin and hoped that he could take on this task.

Although Mei Changlin had only a preliminary understanding of garbage classification at the time, he realized that this was the general trend of urban development in the future, and he agreed.

Since it is to be promoted as a pilot, the sorting hardware facilities must not be backward, but in the market at that time, the smart recycling machine was more popular, and the recycling machine could only receive recyclable garbage. The large amount of kitchen waste and other garbage generated in the daily life of residents was not Put it in place".

  "The smart recycling machine is positioned at'recycling', and our smart garbage sorting machine needs to be positioned at'sorting'." Mei Changlin told a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily that in those years, he and the company’s only technicians often visited Walking between various science and technology museums and these smart recycling machine companies, they "stole" a lot of cutting-edge technologies such as big data processing and "face-sweeping" sensing. In the end, they designed the first smart garbage sorting machine in 2018. Officially landed in the year.

Compared with the previous smart recycling machine, the smart garbage sorting machine has four more common sorting bins. When the residents put in the card, the smart bin station can also automatically weigh, store the weight of the residents put in the garbage and store the value.

  At present, 15 smart waste sorting stations have been built, operating in 12 communities in Haidian District. In August last year, Mei Changlin led the company's employees to develop a full-category sorting platform called "Funqi".

The platform uses advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things + big data to carry out garbage classification in communities with conditions, and can achieve full coverage of community garbage recycling without dead ends, and ensure that all garbage generated by residents and communities can be effectively carried out on the platform Processing.

  The intelligent waste sorting station was put into use, which won praise from residents in the community.

However, Mei Changlin also found when visiting some communities that the relatively high price and large size of Tongzhan made some communities with insufficient funds or limited space discouraged.

To this end, Mei Changlin and his colleagues have held many meetings, hoping to develop a compact, convenient, and affordable machine. “The smart trash can is mainly used for statistics. In fact, a small machine can do it.”

  In the first half of this year, a vehicle-mounted smart weighing system came out. Mei Changlin said that this device consumes less power, is easy to carry, and can store hundreds of categories of garbage data, which is very convenient.

This small machine has been applied to Xiangshan Street in Haidian District.

  "Actually, the profit of garbage sorting is not high, the process is relatively cumbersome, and the investment in manpower and material resources is still large." Mei Changlin said, but the reason why he persisted until now is that whenever he helps a community "customize" a set of garbage sorting solutions , And led the community residents’ new habit of waste sorting, the sense of satisfaction and gain in their hearts is incomparable to anything else. “I am proud to be able to contribute to the “critical trivial matter” of waste sorting. "Written by Liu Jing, our reporter