In order to anticipate the next pandemics, of the same magnitude as Covid-19, a group of scientists are proposing several solutions in a report.

According to them, it would be effective to monitor viruses with anti-terrorism methods.

And above all, to stop destroying nature. 

The Covid-19 epidemic is circulating around the world, and every country is trying to cope.

In France, in an attempt to limit contamination and preserve the capacities of hospitals, a second confinement has just come into force until December 1, minimum.

In an attempt to save the economy, the government is stepping up support measures to increase the public debt.

In order not to repeat the same errors, 22 scientists from IPBES, the UN group of experts on biodiversity, deliver a report with solutions to anticipate the next pandemics.

And according to their analysis, there could be one of this magnitude every ten years.


- Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Sunday, November 1

The solution is to imitate intelligence agents with their counterterrorism cell: listen to rumors of emerging diseases, almost like wiretapping, or act as soon as you spot an outbreak to control it and stop it in the dark. instead of waiting until the epidemic has reached a critical size to decide on measures.

The experience of this coronavirus pandemic could also give rise to new reflexes, particularly in terms of international cooperation.

No longer destroy nature

At the same time, we must stop destroying nature.

This is the

sine qua non

 to avoid this kind of repeated pandemics, explain the scientists.

Concretely, it is necessary to slow down the destruction of forests to transform them into fields, intended for agriculture.

We must also avoid taking revenge on the pangolin, which we suspected to be at the origin of the start of the epidemic or on bats, vectors of contamination.

On the contrary, we must leave them a natural vital species.

If we remove one species, another will come in its place.

Protecting these species also means reducing trade in these animals. 

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More broadly, destructive human activities are also those which are at the origin of global warming.

These scientists are asking for major structural changes, but which will simultaneously minimize the risk of new pandemics, global warming and the loss of biodiversity.

Everything is connected.

Last argument, economic this time: doing nothing in terms of pandemics would cost a hundred times more expensive than putting in place this prevention system.