A plant has been found capable of killing breast cancer cells

Scientists have uncovered a type of plant usually found on the side of the road, which has white flowers. It was thought to be medically useless, but capable of killing breast cancer cells while leaving normal cells intact, according to the British newspaper, Daily Mail.

Wan Tali Rashad, also known by its scientific name "Arabidopsis taliana", is a member of the cabbage family that grows to about 8 inches.

And experiments in the laboratory found that the leaves of this herb, when treated with a phytohormone found in jasmine, succeeded in killing cancer.

Although the exact way to do this is unknown, the study also found that during the killing of dangerous cancer cells, healthy tissues are left as they are.

Professor Alessandra Devoto, the biologist leading the project, hopes the discovery will lead to better chemotherapy treatments, with fewer side effects.

Breast cancer directly affects 1 in 8 women in the UK, most of them over the age of 50.

“The plant is very similar to (Cinderella) the world of medicinal plants,” Devoto explained.

Nobody thought it was so special, but it showed its true colors through our research. ”

And she continued: "The discovery has important implications for the development of treatments for cancer, as well as other diseases."

She confirmed that the Arabidopsis plant has a very simple formula.

Scientists have ignored it for centuries when searching for herbal remedies for human ailments.

As a result, its only contribution to the scientific world so far has been as a "model organism", used in experiments to see how plants as a whole interact with certain chemicals or conditions.

But Professor Devoto, from Royal Holloway University in Britain, thought she had more to offer than the plant, and began researching its medicinal properties in 2006.

“I am really excited to discover the amazing effect of this humble plant on breast cancer cells,” she said.

It just proves that even plants with non-medicinal properties can cure cancer. ”