A.A.'s honeymoon

Navalny in Germany has come to an end.

And in the calendar sense (he was discharged from the Charite clinic at the end of September, and now October is over), and in the figurative sense.

Exclamations characteristic of September about the opposition Fuehrer “O poor, oh great!

You fought, you suffered, you won! "

replaced by far less ecstatic and far less sympathetic responses. 

A selection of those was recently presented by the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

Of course, one can argue here that there is everything on the Internet, it is not difficult to make a selection of statements of any orientation and pass it off as the voice of public opinion.

This has been done and is being done both in our country and abroad.

However, the case with SZ is different.

This is not some small-circulation piece of paper.

It is now in the category of reputable publications - the first newspaper in Germany in terms of circulation.

Bild, of course, has more, but Bild never pretended to be solid - yellowish, you never get yellower.

Whereas the material SZ just can't be dismissed.

Of course, even before the opinions of German workers at times differed greatly from the official trend.

Approximately how the opinions of Soviet workers did not coincide with the editorials of the Pravda newspaper.

Well, then these opinions were mercilessly moderated for the overall goodness of the picture.

Here, the dissident opinions were not only not moderated - the SZ editors dedicated extensive special material to them.

In which the workers recalled A.A.

Everything to Navalny.

And attempts to torpedo the "Nord Stream - 2", and rough attacks on the former chancellor Schroeder.

The main thing is that "Being a guest of our country, he has no right to interfere in our internal politics."

This is probably the deepest reason for anti-naval statements.

In the spirit of Pushkin's letter to Prince Vyazemsky: "I, of course, despise my fatherland from head to foot, but I am annoyed if a foreigner shares this feeling with me."

In the form that we ourselves will sort out our affairs, and fugitive foreigners do not need us for this.

It seems that this is far from Russian national, it is in one way or another inherent in all nations.

Hear what the Italians or the French have on their government, but the foreigner would be deeply wrong if he decides that this invitation is also to participate in the reproach.

They will make it clear that this is not entirely his business. 

In addition, hardly anyone will like it when a guest's interference in domestic politics occurs in an ignorant and contradictory form.


Navalny, denouncing Schroeder, does not take into account that, as Bundeskanzler, he left a rather good memory of himself.

In any case, many Bundesburgers tend to idealize the years of his rule.

Then Germany still kept order, coziness and gemutness, then there were no victims of genocide, who appeared at the call of Merkel in 2015 and since then made a lot of fun - “Don't complain, hostess, and be more cheerful: you yourself let the happy guests in ".

Happy guests may correspond to the latest trends, but the Bundesburger, in his stupidity, for some reason does not like happy guests.

Again, it is not known to what extent Schroeder is an “errand boy” under Putin, as Navalny boldly and obnoxiously states, but the current Frau Chancellor is more likely closer to the image of an errand boy under the US administration, and not everyone in Germany likes this.

If everyone liked it, then why would the ratings of the Alternative for Germany, as well as the leftists with the fiery Sarah, go up by leaps and bounds?

And they continue to shove on the eve of the elections to the Bundestag, where the position of Merkel's party is increasingly unenviable.

But to be more accurate in your statements, you have to be somewhat more knowledgeable in the internal politics of the FRG and somewhat less self-confident.

Still, it’s different to play the fool, but it’s different for the Bundesburgers, about whose needs and aspirations the one brought to Berlin on a special plane knows nothing.

It's just A.A.'s career.

Navalny in Russia proceeded in extremely specific conditions.

Strong - to the point of direct comedy - connivance of the authorities.

Complete contempt (and this was forgiven) for potential allies.

Fuhrer-principle, brought to the grotesque.

This brought up the appropriate personality type in the fighter.

Whether this type was suitable for Russian conditions is a separate question, although, in a different view, the career in Russia was already on the decline.

The Fuhrer was too rude and ignorant.

But he is definitely not good for German politics.

Not because the Germans are heavenly angels - they have enough flaws, sometimes repulsive.

However, these disadvantages (and advantages too) are different than in Russia.

Simply because Germans live in Germany, not Russians.

And the current phenomenon of A.A.

Navalny with a pork snout, and in the Kalashny row could not but surprise the Germans, and then tire them.

An indication of this was the publication in a reputable Munich newspaper.

As Prince Bismarck noted, "stupidity, of course, is a gift from God, but one should not abuse it."

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.