A garbage collector on tour during confinement, near Toulouse.



“First chore”.

The expression, which designated the people on the front line during confinement, is obviously a nod to the “first line” praised by Emmanuel Macron.

For months, nurses, hospital staff, delivery men, truck drivers, cashiers, and garbage collectors were greeted and even applauded from the windows.

The government praised “essential trades” and promised to see “how to upgrade their salaries”.

And then ?

Well apart from the Ségur de la Santé, whose orientations are still disputed by part of the hospital environment, the other professions seem to have been put in the back of the closet.

It is to them that

20 Minutes is

addressed, as part of a series of portraits.

You were “on the front line” during the first wave and since then you have felt like you have been left out?

Did you hope that the applause and the marks of recognition would result in a real revaluation of your profession?

Are the people you serve you still so grateful to you or do you feel like you're anonymous again?

Has the pandemic changed the perception of your profession?

You can testify using the form below.

Journalists from 

20 Minutes will

 select the most striking answers and may contact you for an article.


Coronavirus: Soon decrees to recognize it as an occupational disease


Coronavirus: A reconfinement would cause a "collapse of the French economy", alerts employers

  • Society

  • Covid 19

  • Coronavirus

  • Nurse

  • Job

  • Delivery man