Taekwondo coach was sentenced for kicking 7-year-old student in class and causing him to fracture

  Because the children in class violated classroom discipline, Xu, a Taekwondo coach, kicked and injured a 7-year-old student.

The reporter learned today that the Xicheng Court sentenced Xu to ten months’ imprisonment with one year’s suspended sentence for intentional injury.

  Xu, a 30-year-old man, is a taekwondo instructor at an educational training institution. On the afternoon of December 12 last year, when Xu was in class at a training institution, a 7-year-old student Tongtong (a pseudonym) violated classroom discipline and Xu gave an angry kick. Tongtong's left arm, left arm and other parts caused Tongtong's left clavicle fracture, which was later identified as a minor injury.

  On the second day of the incident, Tongtong’s parents reported to the police. Xu was summoned by the police to automatically come to the case and paid compensation, which was understood by the parents.

At the opening of the court, Xu did not object to the facts, charges and sentencing suggestions charged by the prosecutor.

  After the trial, the court held that Xu had clear facts about the crime of intentional injury and the evidence was reliable and sufficient.

In view of Xu's arrival in the case by phone call and truthful confession, he surrendered; and pleaded guilty, actively compensated the victim for losses and obtained understanding, he could be given a lighter punishment in accordance with the law and sentenced to ten months imprisonment with one year suspended.

  Reporter Sun Ying