Drawing of a Babiroussa by Jean-Charles Werner (1830) -

© Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0

Do you fear meeting a wild boar as soon as you go out into the forest?

So never go deep into the Indonesian jungle at the risk of crossing babiroussas, these wild pigs with an impressive double row of tusks.

Not that this genus - divided into three species - is aggressive, but because its members have a somewhat creepy prehistoric look.

No ?

Secret defenses

Only male babiroussas have these strange curved tusks which keep growing throughout their lives.

And the most surprising thing is that they don't quite know what to do with them, since they are not used to turn the ground in search of food, or even to fight - ah, boys!

However, they have a use ...

Find out which one, and other revelations, in this video from our partner Brut:



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  • Indonesia

  • Gross

  • Nature

  • Wildlife

  • Animals

  • Planet