[Explanation] On October 25, the public demonstration and observation experience of the cultural relics protection project in Liaoning Province-the second phase of the protection and restoration of oil paintings and paintings of ancient buildings in the Imperial Palace in Shenyang ushered in the last visit in 2020.

Thirty public observers who were openly recruited walked into the renovation site of the Summer Palace and Jiezhi Palace in the east of the Imperial Palace in Shenyang to observe and experience the paint, paint and gilding craftsmanship of ancient architectural oil paintings.

  [Explanation] The second phase of the protection and restoration of oil paintings of ancient buildings in the Shenyang Forbidden City started on June 28, 2020. According to the maintenance process and the progress of the project, in late October, the 2020 protection and restoration project will be completed soon, and the restoration of colored paintings will also usher in The most shining part-powder, color, and gold.

  [Concurrent] Liu Qiaochen, Deputy Director of the Ancient Construction Department of Shenyang Palace Museum

  Now the second phase of our (oil decoration) color painting (protection and restoration) project has reached the final stage, and we have already begun to paint on it. This process is called paint paint. After paint paint, according to our original regulations, We also need to deposit money.

Then, the two steps of color brushing and gold-sticking are the most brilliant and the most important part, so today we also invite everyone to come to the scene to observe and experience activities.

  [Explanation] The architectural color painting of the Imperial Palace in Shenyang combines the official color painting of the Qing Dynasty and the local color painting practices. The official color painting of the Qing Dynasty is mainly distributed in several buildings added by Emperor Qianlong.

The official color paintings of the Qing Dynasty are classified into at least five categories from the main frame composition and subject matter of the ornamentation. They are Hexi type, vortex type, Su type, auspicious grass type, and sea shell type. The painting is the highest grade official color painting of the Qing Dynasty. It features a vertical "W" oblique line as the composition feature, and uses a large number of gilding techniques. The theme of the color painting is mainly dragon and phoenix, and the whole is magnificent and majestic.

The outer eaves color painting of the Yihe Palace in the East is the dragon and seal in the Hexi color painting, while the Jiezhi Palace is the Xuanzi color painting, and the grade is relatively lower than the Hexi color painting.

After watching the restoration of such high-standard color paintings, the vision of the visitors has been greatly broadened.

  [Concurrent] Deng Wanjun, public observation experience

  I was shocked, because I didn’t pay much attention to this decoration on ancient buildings before, how to preserve it, how to repair it, and then I heard the relevant explanation just now, and then I realized that each step is particularly difficult. And very particular.

What I saw just now is that the color combination is turquoise, which is very beautiful and wonderful, and then it feels bright in front of you, this kind of contrast.

  [Explanation] It is reported that gold leaf is pasted on the colored paintings of ancient buildings.

After the color is painted, apply the gold glue oil to the gold-sticking position in the closed area of ​​the powder. After drying, stick the gold foil to the gold glue oil position.

Pasting gold has high requirements on the weather, and it is necessary to choose a sunny day, because the gold foil is very thin and will disperse when the wind is facing.

According to professionals, gold foil is divided into Kujin and Chijin according to its gold content and color.

Kujin has high gold content and stable quality.

The preservation and restoration of oil paintings of ancient buildings in the Shenyang Forbidden City are all Kujin. The color is yellow and red, and the color remains unchanged for a long time.

  (Reported by reporter Yu Ruizhai in Shenyang)

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】