5 products that help boost the health of your nervous system

Foods that contain antioxidants, vitamins, healthy fats and essential minerals are a good option if you want to boost the health of your nervous system.

The most important of these products are:


This fruit is rich in folic acid and vitamin "", which in turn strengthens the central nervous system, which reduces the risk of stroke and improves cognitive function.


Broccoli is good for the nervous system because it contains high levels of vitamin "" and choline (one of the main nutrients for the body, which is characterized by the property of solubility in water and is usually composed of vitamin B complex), and broccoli helps to maintain the IQ.


Almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and walnuts contain good amounts of magnesium, and Brazil nuts contain selenium, and all of these elements calm the nervous system.


Eating a bowl of oatmeal daily helps stabilize the central nervous system, and is also good for general health, according to thehealthsite.

Green tea: The

presence of antioxidants in green tea makes it a useful product for the nervous system, and its catechin content prevents brain aging associated with stress.