The government eases somewhat the restrictions for events with seated audiences.

Provided that a distance of one meter is kept between different companies.

- We want to enable more sports and cultural events without risking increasing the spread of infection, said Minister of Culture Amanda Lind (MP) at today's press conference.

Previously, the government has considered raising the audience ceiling to 500 people, but the change was canceled in connection with the infection rates rising earlier this autumn.

- It makes it easier for us to get started and do things again.

At the same time, it is financially very difficult to run a business with an audience ceiling of 300 people, says Joppe Pihlgren, operations manager at the industry organization Svenk live.

- This means that some players will be able to implement certain things, but it does not save the industry.

"Already driven for 2021"

Annika af Trolle, communications manager at Swedish Performing Arts, also thinks that the government's decision is a step in the right direction, even if it will not make a major difference.

- It is clear that we had hoped for 500 people.

Now some activities can start planning for a slightly larger audience, but for the private theaters, this will not make any difference, she says.

For the country's private theaters, it will be difficult to reopen at all next year, Annika af Trolle believes.

- Much of 2021 has already been run for them, much larger volumes than this are required for them to be able to take in an audience and get around financially, she says.

Had it made any difference with a limit of 500 there?

- No, not for the private theaters really.

But this is a step in the right direction.

We have made enormous preparations - the industry has been working since last summer to develop guidelines for how we should arrange infection-proof events.