Know the risks of vitamin D deficiency

Some colon and rectal oncologists at New York University have explained that lack of vitamin D concentration in the body has serious consequences.

Where a study conducted by a team of specialists in colon diseases proved that a lack of vitamin D concentration in the body, can cause weakness and poor absorption of calcium in the intestine.

As the body tries in this case to maintain a stable level in the blood, and when calcium absorption is lacking, the body begins to take calcium from the bones, which leads to osteoporosis and the risk of fractures.

There are also "vague symptoms" indicating a lack of vitamin D in the body, which is usually "attributed to fatigue or a viral infection," such as decreased appetite, joint pain or uncomfortable feeling in the bones and muscles, and increased fatigue, in addition to difficulty sleeping and lethargy after Sleeping for long periods of time.

The study proved that a person can compensate for the deficiency of this vitamin in the body through foodstuffs of animal origin only, such as egg yolks, beef liver, and some types of fish.

Also, vitamin D can be taken in the form of capsules or drops.

And the level of vitamin D in the body is determined by means of a special analysis to measure its concentration.

It is noteworthy that the normal range of vitamin D is between 50 to 125 nmol / liter, as the ratio between 30 to 49 nmol / liter indicates that the body does not obtain adequate levels of vitamin D, and a person is considered to have a vitamin D deficiency if the proportion of this vitamin Has less than 30 nmol / liter, and a person with high vitamin D if its blood level is higher than 125 nmol / liter.