Foods advised to avoid in case of headache

Two nutritionists from Spain announced that it is advised to refrain from eating some types of cheeses, citrus fruits and other materials for those who suffer from headaches.

According to the two doctors, there are many different factors that cause headaches, "When the headache becomes periodic, it is important to determine the cause and consult a doctor. In addition, changes must be made in the diet and the established habits, which in the case of mild or moderate headache, as a rule, can improve the condition." Public health. "

And the experts add, for example, when you headache, you should refrain from eating blue cheeses, because they contain a large amount of histamine derived from the amino acid histidine.

For the same reason, you should not eat or limit citrus fruits in addition to avocados, because they are also rich in histamine and have a vasodilating effect.

According to them, coffee can cause headaches as well.

Drinking 3-4 cups or more of a caffeinated drink can cause headaches in people who periodically suffer from migraines, and at the same time, reducing the amount of caffeine can cause headaches as well, according to Russian media.